We Meet Semi-Formal

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"It's this weekend. Lucas hasn't asked me to the semi-formal. We're Riley and Lucas, aren't we?" Riley asks.

"I don't know anymore," I sigh, "I mean we're Farkle and Idina aren't we? And, he still hasn't asked me."

"Sweeties, what are you doing to yourselves?" Maya asks.

"It's this weekend," I glumly answer.

"and they haven't asked us to the semi-formal."

"Riley, you've had problems before, but you haven't had a Lucas problem until now," she says, "and Idina, Farkle's a Farkle. He obviously has something cooking up in his brain." she slams her locker, making our teacher scream in the other room.

"Why does he keep doing that?" Riley asks.

"Lockers, blackboard. Chalk, chalk dust. Your daddy," I dissect the situation.

"How long are you gonna keep doing it?"

"Till he comes out." our teacher walks out with his face covered in dust.

"Okay, I'm done!" Maya shouts running the opposite direction as Riley and I burst into laughter.

"Oh, I needed that," I say, sitting down on the bench as Riley joins me.

"Idina, he's going to ask you,"

"Yeah well he hasn't!" I groan, "Maybe we're not as close as I thought. Maybe..."

"Maybe?" Riley timidly repeats.

"Maybe I need to rethink this whole Farkle and Idina situation," there's silence for a moment until Rebel walks up to us.

"Hey girls, what up?"

"Not now Brandon," I say annoyed looking down at my hands. Riley taps my shoulder.

"Idina, I think you're gonna wanna see this," I peek up to see Brandon Ray with a parcel in his hands. He opens it to reveal an envelope, and opens that to read it.

"I-," he uses air quotes, "know it's sudden, and,"

"D- didn't' want to wait until the last minute but"

"I- think we'd have a fun time together and"

"N- need to ask you"

"A- question," he takes my hand, "Idina, will you let me escort you to the semi-formal?"

"Woah!" Riley shouts.

"Woah," I repeat standing, "Brandon-"

"Idina?" a voice peeps, making me look to see my boyfriend.


"Rebel? Why are you asking my girlfriend to the dance?" he asks. Rebel stands.

"Well, it's this weekend, and you haven't made a move, so I thought 'eh, it's now or never' right?"

"Well, I just assumed we were going together,"

"And why would you assume that Farkle?" I ask, and scoot a little away from both boys, "Brandon, I'm not saying yes," Farkle smiles while Rebel frowns, "but I'm saying no either," now Rebel smiles while Farkle frowns. I go to my locker past the boys.

"Idina-" Farkle starts.

"Farkle! Nothing in life is predictable! Nothing in life can be assumed!" I walk up to him, "You love me?" he nods, "then fight for me." The bell rings.

"You ready?" Riley asks next to me.

"Yeah," I say, walking into class and sitting down.

"Semi-formal coming up. Young men and young women interacting. Mixing in a social situation. So, to avoid any casualties, I thought we could discuss etiquette. Can anyone here tell me what etiquette is?" Our teacher asks.

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