We Meet I Am Me

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Dear Readers,

Before you read this chapter I want you to know something: this is a very touchy subject for myself and most people. I, myself have Sensory Processing Disorder. It's a part of who I am. Idina's feeling in this chapter, most of them I have felt. I hope you understand that my personal thoughts are in no way meant to offend or hurt anyone. It's who I am and a part of me.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Matthews tosses an apple to Riley, "Smell it," he simply says.

"It smells sweet."

"Give it to Farkle," she puts it behind her head and the boy takes it, "What does it look like?"

"Red, with some yellow, spliced on it," Farkle says.

"Lucas," Matthews points, "What does it feel like?" Farkle hands the apple over to Lucas.

"It feels rough yet smooth," he replies.

"Hand it to Maya." he does as he's told, "Take a bite of it." Maya chomps down.

"It's juicy," she smiles. She gets up and puts it in the trash as Matthews nods.

"And Idina, what have you been doing this whole time?"

"Listening, and trying to understand your point," I reply. He picks up his chalk and writes a number on the board.

"Five?" Zay asks.

"The five senses," Matthews replies.

"Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, and Hands," I say.

"All things that we use in normal everyday communications with each other and objects," he replies. Matthews tries to throw me another apple but I dodge it hastily.

"Idina?" Riley cocks her head to the side.

"What?" I shrug, "I just don't like flying fruit at my head." I try to laugh it off. The bell rings and I scurry out without a word. Too bad I can't avoid them and my problems forever. I just need some time to adjust, yeah, that's all I need...


I bit my lip. Lucas and I are in the lunch line together.

"Seriously, what's up with you?" he huffs.

"Nothing Cowboy, I'm fine," I ruffle his hair as if nothing is wrong. And, nothing's necessarily wrong... it's just... different. I sit down and put my tray on the table as Farkle, Riley, and Maya stares at me.

"Idina, something's off," Farkle says, before going to throw away his trash.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I sigh. Lucas rolls his eyes and goes to get a banana.

"Come on Pookie you can tell us," Maya says seriously.

"Yeah Peaches and I are always here for you. You can tell us anything," Riley smiles. I glance between the two of them.

"I... I..." I hide my frown, I can't tell them, "I'm a genius." I fake a smile.

Farkle pulls up a chair next to me, "Welcome to the club."

"Idina why didn't you tell us!" Riley says, "That's amazing!"

"I don't know," I shrug, "Just didn't wanna gloat."

"Well gloat away," Maya replies as Lucas comes back, "Hey Huckleberry did you hear we have another genius?"

"Is it you?"

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