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Ezra's P.O.V

Four years and we still haven't found Elizah. She is still missing, and I still love her.

Jackson and Cole got married. Jay changed his last name to his moms maiden name which is Monroe. So he is now Jace Monroe. He is still with Allison, they are newly engaged though.

And I am going into an arranged marriage to a woman named Kim but we call her Kimmy.

Even though it seems like we have moved on with our lives, all of us even Jessica who has opened up an art studio in town, miss Elizah and continue to look for her whenever we are in public. It's become a habit to all of us.

Tonight we are having a family dinner with everyone.  Kimmy and I, my parents and her parents. Allison her parents. Jay, Jackson and their mom Mona. Cole, Oliver, Shana, George, also Claire Oliver's girlfriend. Jessica and her parents. Oh and almost forgot Layla and Max.

"Ezra is the table set!" Mom yells at me.

"Yeah I just finished! Are they here yet!"

"Yes they all just arrived!" She yells back. I quickly go to get Kimmy from the garden.

"Kim they are here come back inside please!" I yell out to her. She nods and walks back inside.

They all file into the main living area they all look the same but I don't recognize the last person, I'm guessing that she is Claire.

"You must be Claire," I voice my thoughts. She is very beautiful. Long blonde hair bright blue eyes. Shorter and has a happy atmosphere.

"Yes, umm you are..." She asked shyly. I chuckled.

"I'm Ezra, this is my" I paused and took a breathe hating my next words. "My fiancé" I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, right Kimmy I've heard a lot about you." Claire says with a smile.

"Great, I've heard a lot about you too! We are going to be great friends!" Kimmy says with fake enthusiasm. Before Claire could respond Oliver took her away towards the dining room.

"Alright everyone have a seat and the food will be served shortly." Everyone nodded silently and sat down. I won't tell you the sitting order because that would take way too long. Claire was looking around at everything until her eyes landed on something and then widened. She stood up and walked over to the picture of Elizah on the wall.

"Wh-who is this?" She asked in a shaky voice.

"Um that is Elizah Mason. She is my sister that went missing four years ago." Jay answers her. She put her fingers on the picture and whispers something "Renée." She turned around to face us. And blushed.

"I'm sorry she just looks a lot like my best friend. Renée, Renée Bolly." Jackson choked on his water and looked over at her, she was back at her seat.

"Did you say Bolly?"

"Yeees?" She dragged out the yes.

"Is she related to Sydney Bolly?" Jay asked.

"Umm I don't know she doesn't have family. And if she did she doesn't talk to them or talk about them." Claire states. Then her phone rang. "Umm I'm sorry I have to get this." She stood up and answered the phone while leaving the room. I followed her , I don't know why,

"R-" she was cut off by someone screaming her name.

"Claire oh my gosh where the hell are you!" The person was female and crying.

"I'm at a dinner party I thought I told you," Claire said

"No Claire you didn't. Now I'm home alone Kayden and Henry are both out and th- there is a storm going on and it re-really loud and the p-power I-is out. I'm freaking out! Please come back I'm so so sorry but ahhhhhh!" A loud crashing noise came through the phone.

"Okay okay I'm coming I'll be right there I'm so so sorry. Bye!" I quickly went back to my seat. Oliver sent me death glares I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Ollie we have to go back to my house right now, like right now. Like right now at this very moment!" Claire says in a hurry and panic.

"What? Why? Is something wrong?"

"Yes, dumbass something is wrong. Renée is at home freaking out" her eyes widen and then she gasped "oh my goodness Ollie we have to go right now she could have a panic attack. Now let's go now!" They both run out of the house.

A few hours later

We were all sitting in the living room, then we heard the door open and close Oliver came into the room.

"Hey is everything good now?" I asked.

"Yeah, Claire's friend was freaking out and was having a panic attack when we got there I literally had to wait outside for like an hour and a half before Claire came out and told me that everything was fine."

"Then why are you getting here right now?" Shana asked.

"Claire and I went to Starbucks because she felt bad for making me miss dinner here." I nodded. I was tired but didn't want to sleep. I didn't want to sleep because I knew I would dream of her. Weather it would be a nightmare or a lovely dream where she is safe in my arms and loving me everyday.

I miss my Elizah.


Alright guys I know that Oliver wasn't in this book very much at all but in the second book he will.

I hope you guys enjoyed this book so much that you want to read the next one. And I know it is short but I think the next one will be longer I think

Thanks! Love you guys. Vote and comment. Thanks again! 😂


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