Chapter 2.

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Jay's P.O.V


Gosh dang it, I need to talk to her about those marks.

"Ezra what do you want?" I asked

"Well Jack is no where to be found which means he's with Alison and I don't want to walk in on that so I went to find you. Who was that? Your girlfriend?"

"Hell no, let's just say someone I care about k."

"Hey can I get a ride my car got taken a way again."

"Yeah sure whatever."
"Hey mom I'm home!"

"Alright honey, I'm going out soon with some of my friends don't try and see Elizah again. K!"

"Fine, I just don't understand why you put a restraining order on us it's so unfair. Jack didn't get one!"

"Honey, Jack stays mostly away from her, but you. You do not."

"Fine.Fine .Fine"

"Great bye!"

I rolled my eyes. My mother is so awful sometimes. I'm only allowed to be near Elizah during school and for an hour after the school bell rings and then we have to stand at least 20 feet from each other, I hate it it's so stupid and now that she is being physically hurt by someone, UGGH I can't stand being away from her. I swear right after we graduate and the restraining order is over I am taking her as far away from here as possible. Then I heard a knock at the front door so I went and opened the door.

"Um..... Hi Jay, can I talk to you?"

"Uh yeah sure. Were is Jack?"

"He's going over to see Elizah. He said something about Ezra saying he saw something on a girls arm some one that you were talking to. He figured Elizah."

"Oh. Yeah. Come in. What did you need to ask me?"

"You know that Elizah is getting abused right?"

"I figured when I saw the marks on her neck and arms. Do you know by who?"

"No she won't fucking tell me! Jay I'm worried sh...she is so closed off now it's like I'm staring at a wall when I talk to her, she's getting worse I can see it, Jay what are we going to do?"

She starts to sob. I hate when people cry, curse empathy.

"Hey it's going to be ok I promise. We graduate in six months. I'll save her."

She sobs harder, making me cry too. I can't help it. Then there was another knock at the door I quickly wipe the tears away and go to the door.

My asshole dad stands there with an ugly grin on his face.
"What the hell do you want." I spit out.

"I need to speak with your mother is she home right now?"

"No, she went out. You can talk to me."

"Fine. You need to tell your mother this when she gets home. It's important. She will not need to worry about Elizah any more, she can lift the restraining order. Because we are moving far away from here to a place that has no family of ours. You, Jay will most likely never see her again."

I stand there motion less. No fucking way is this bastard taking Elizah from me, no way in hell!
"I don't think so. Go away now!"

"Fine believe what you want," he paused thinking "here we'll make the decision up to her. Aw shit! What time is it?"

I looked up at the clock.

"Just a few minutes after five. Why?"

"None of your fucking business! Jay I'm late. Goodbye now!"

---------The Next Day----------/

Elizah's P.O.V

I woke up. Naked, chained and sore again.

I some how managed to get up and get ready for school. I slowly walked down stairs. At the door I bent down and put one my black flats. Then I remembered my dad is still home. I quickly ran outside pain coming with every step. I would do anything to get away from this house. For as long as I could. Shit I forgot my pills. I am not going back in there. I'll have to deal.

When I got to school I quickly went to my locker. There I find both my brothers and my best friend Alison looking for someone over the heads on the hallway. Jack saw me first. I walked to my locker. Without a word I opened my locker and did my best to not whimper from the pain shooting from every where. I got my books for my first and second hour since they were so close to each other. I could suddenly feel someone getting way to close for comfort. I whirled around banging myself against the lockers to try and get away. I yelped in agony as my body felt on fire from the impact. Alison came to me.

"Whoa are you ok?!"

She looked at me with a worried expression.

"Yeah I'm fine. I have to get to class."

I darted away. My everything hurt like hell. What did he really do to me last night, this pain was a lot more than anything before.
Might update again tonight. Long chapter I know. Ps: I don't really edit anything so I'm sorry if this is bad.

-wonder_swan- 😊

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