Chapter 13.

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4 weeks later

Elizah's P.O.V

I had so much homework this week and I just wanted to go home and rest. Today is Friday. Tomorrow is my birthday, and I know no one is going to forget because I have two twins. Sometimes I wish we were born on different days so that people could forget about me and celebrate my brothers.

"Elizah!" Jay.

I turned around while closing my locker. And I see him trying to come through the crowd of students rushing to get to their 1st class of the day. I could tell he was getting frustrated, I smiled. Yes I really smiled not the parcel one I used to give, Ezra has taught me a thing or two on how to smile and to not be afraid to do so in front of people. When Jay finally got to me he huffed on annoyance then turned to me so his whole body was facing me. "Yes?" I said still smiling. He smirked then lunged at me into one of his bear hugs. "Happy Birthday sis!"

"Golly be gots! Jeez! Don't shout in my ear! And To you too!" Then Jack came up to us. "Happy birthday Jackie!" Both Jay and I pulled him into a group hug. Then my phone buzzed in my pocket.


Hey Happy Birthday I know it's tomorrow and all but I also know that you guys wish each other happy birthday the day before because you guys think it gives you good luck.

Yeah I know. How are you?


I'm still pissed beyond belief at him still.

Don't be it happened awhile ago

Honey it happend two days ago and it's been going on longer than that. You haven't been to school since you found out. You know what we are going to have a girls weekend together. Ok, we can go to my parents cottage out on the lake and just have fun the both of us. And I won't take no for an answer I'll pick you up today. After I'm ready alright.

Yeah, yeah see you then.

End of conversation

"Hellooooo Eli!" I don't know why Jay and Jack started calling me that they used to call me that when we were kids. I mean it could be because I started to call Jack Jackie again. I put my phone away and looked over at Jay.


"Jack asked you a question. Gonna answer it."

I hummed in a bratty way "Nope. You can tell him that I'm still not talking to him. And my birthday wish is the only thing that he is going to hear from me that is directed towards him for a loooong time!" With that I walked away to my 1st hour class just like everyone else.


"Hey, Eli what are you doing for our birthday?" I looked up from my untouched plate of food and to where Jay was sitting next to his girlfriend Layla. She was nice and really pretty. She had red hair and vibrant green eyes.  She was always happy. She was also really good for Jay. "I'm going to have a cleansing, relaxing, healing, and drama free weekend at the lake with Allison. Alone."

"Oh, okay." He looked really bummed.

"Jay at least your getting your 18 presents early." That made him beam. We have a tradition that how ever old you turn that is how many presents you get on your birthday. In all honesty I wasn't just going to the lake for Allison I was going for me as well. My dad sent me a gift from Florida, where he was dealing with business. I was really stressed out that he would be coming back soon. I take that back I'm not just stressed I'm terrified. Also, Ezra has been away on vacation for a week and a half and to say I missed him would be an understatement. I just needed to get away for a little. I'm terrified, what will he do when he finds out I have a boyfriend? What will he do to me? How bad will it be? Will I have to break up with Ezra? My eyes weld up with tears and my breathing became fast and shallow. I quickly stood up and ran out of the cafeteria. I think someone called my name but, I had to get to a bathroom.

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