Chapter 16.

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Elizah's P.O.V

Today is Saturday. Ezra and I's date day I guess. He was late so I decided to text him.

To: Ezzie😏

Hey, umm I was just wondering what time you were coming to pick me up.

A few minutes passed before he replied.

From: Ezzie😏

Sorry I can't tonight I'm hanging out with the guys.

To: Ezzie😏

Again. Ezra this is the fourth time you've nailed. Nvm it doesn't even matter do what you want I guess. See you in school.

He didn't reply after that. He is avoiding you. You should give him space. Yeah, space. He promised he wouldn't hurt you too bad. You're fine he just wants space. I convinced myself and went back into my house. I changed into pjs and went to bed.


Beep beep beep beep

My alarm. I slowly got out of bed and remembered about giving Ezra some space. I took a shower and got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth. I don't eat breakfast, and since I'm giving Ezra some space he won't force me to eat lunch. Yay! I texted Jay telling him that I was going to walk to school. When I got there I had about 20 minutes until school started. So I went to my locker and put my bag inside. Grabbed my stuff for 1st hour and went outside. I went to my favorite place, a high hill under a willow tree right were the sun would rise and set. It was just off to the right of the baseball fields and was extremely peaceful on the morning.

Soon I felt someone else's presence. I tensed absentmindedly.

"Elizah it's okay it's just me." But I still didn't relax I was going to give him his space. So I got up, turned on my heel and started to walk away.

"Wait!" I kept walking. Space. Space. Space. That was the only word going through my mind. "Elizah! Wait!" When he caught up to me, I looked away, I had on my expressionless face and would show no signs of my nervousness through my actions. "Just wait." Now he was standing in front of me, I was still looking away.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Nope." I popped the 'p'.

"It seems like it." He states. I was dumbfounded, he is the one who blew me off for his friends, four times in a row might I add!, and you know what never mind. Tell him what you are doing.

"Ezra. I'm giving you space because it seems like you want it. I'm leaving now.  I'll um talk to you later. Ok, if you want to of course." He just nodded in response and looked away. My signal to walk away as fast as I could. I go to my first hour and hopped the day would go by fast.


The day did not go by fast at all. If anything it went by slower than ever. Now it was lunch, and I did not want to eat. I walked into the lunch room and glanced around slightly smiling at all the people laughing with their friends. I soon found where Ezra was sitting. He was not laughing he looked zoned out and like he was thinking really hard about something. Then I found Jay, and Jack. No Layla. Weird. Anyways they were sitting at the same table as Ezra talking and laughing. I spotted Allison, and she looked really upset. I wanted to go over to her but, Tammy got in my way just as I was about to start walking.

"Eliiizah."  She said in a sing songy voice.


"I know somethings you don't. But might want to know." She smirked which means I probably did want to know.

"Ok. What is it?"

"First, what are the promises the you've made with Ezra, Jay, Jack and Allison?"

"Umm Ezra promised not to hurt me too bad. Jay promised he would never date one of my friends and not to lie and keep secrets from me. Jackson is the same. And Allison she promised never to lie, keep secrets or cheat. Why?"

She laughed loudly. "Is Layla one of your friends?"

"Umm I guess,"

"First off. Jay and Jack both payed Ezra to date you. Jay has a secret affair with Allison and Layla found out. Jackson didn't cheat on Allison with a girl he was having sex and being with a boy and he used Allison so that no one would suspect anything." She laughed again. I was completely shocked. Everyone I ever trust each broke their promises to me. Wait. JAY AND JACKSON PAYED EZRA TO DATE ME?!? Ahh hell no!

"I don't believe you." I stated. She liked at me. And smirked.

"Then go ask them. All of them."

I pushed past her and marched over to Allison and yanked her up from her seat. I pulled her over to the table that Everyone was sitting. I let go of her arm and positioned her so I could look at all of them at once. I was soo beyond pissed.

"Jace Colten Mason. Jackson Ray Mason. Allison May Diorinta. Ezra oh whatever I'm done. Did you two pay Ezra to date me? And did you two get together behind my back and cheat on Layla? And do you use Allison to cover-" I cut myself off. "Anyways you get the point. Now answer me!" I was scalding with so much anger. It was blinding me. But I could see their expressions. Shock. Regret. Hurt. And that were the answers I needed to confirm that everything Tammy said was completely true. Ezra never wanted me. They all broke their biggest, most important promises.

My heart was beating so fast and loud I could hear it. I finally found the words to say. "Ezra." He looked up at me. "In case you didn't get the message we are over. I can't believe I was so stupid." I suddenly couldn't breathe. Tears blurred my vision. God, another one. I put my hand on my chest trying to will it to let me breathe, it wouldn't. I was gasping for breath as I felt scalding tears stream down my face. You let everyone close to you hurt you. They hurt you because they don't care. My eyes widened at my assumption but I believed them because I was just in that state of mind at the moment. Jay stood up and came over to me.

"STAY. THE. FUCK. AWAY. FROM. ME." I barley was able to say since I couldn't breathe so I did what I could, I dropped all of my stuff and ran. I ran right out of the school and just ran and ran until I came to the spot that my feet would always bring me to. The bridge over the deathly Rapids. I gripped the metal railing trying to catch my breath. I wanted nothing more than to die. So I did what I thought I never would. I called my dad, to beg him to come home and beat me until I couldn't stand. To give me the physical pain that my feelings wanted to express.

"Hello?" He sounded tired and annoyed.

"D-dad. I want you to come home."

I could sense the smirk in his voice when he answered "Why? You need to be punished."

"Yes. I want you to beat me until I can't stand and Hartley breathe."

"I'm on my way. I'll be there tomorrow by noon be home!" With that he hung up. I was breathing normally now and decided to go to the abandoned park.


When I got there I went to the tall grass meadow and laid down and looked up at the sky. It was pitch black out except the stars were so bright and there were so many more than I've ever seen. It was breathtaking.

I silently cried and soon fell asleep. On the grass. Under the stars.


I know this could be an intense chapter but I've been looking forward to writing it and couldn't wait any longer.

Not Edited: I think I fixed mistakes if I didn't tell me so I can thanks.


Broken (Not Vry Good Rd At Own Rsk)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें