The Begining

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Elizah's P.O.V 
4 years ago

"Mom, what did you want to talk to us about?"

My mom looked really nervous, but my dad had an ugly grin on his face. I know it sounds really bad but I've always hated my dad, with a BURNING passion. Ever since I caught him cheating on my mom a few months ago. We were all currently sitting in the dinning room. It went Jay one of my twins. And then me then Jack my other other twin. I'm a triplet. Jay has blonde hair and blue eyes while Jack has brunette hair and grey eyes.

"Your father and I are getting divorced." My eyes widened.

"No, dad you promised me. You promised."

He smirked before replying. "Sometimes people break their promises. I have, just like Jessie did."

"Promise? What are you talking about!?" My mom was genuinely confused.

My dad answered for me. "She caught me cheating at the office one day hmm it was about four months ago and I promised her that if she didn't tell you about it the family would stay together. But look where we are now." I didn't know what to do so I just sat silently.

"Elizah. No, I can't. I just can't. Please go. I want you to live with your father. For a long time." She was dangerously calm. I got up from the table as silent tears started to stream down my face. I showed no other emotion. I guess I turned them off somehow. I heard Jay calling me but instead of turning around I ran out of the house and down the street. Mom doesn't want you anymore, you are worth nothing anymore.


Present day.

I opened my locker. Instantly over twenty papers fall to the floor. My hate papers. Ever since 4 years ago when I caused my 'families ruin' people started to hate me, myself included. I had one friend and two brothers that loved me. But they were gone so often that it was like they didn't. Most the school day I sulked, going from class to class. Trying to make the school day last for as long as I possibly could. I did not like my house at all. My room was my only comfort. Hell its self would be a heaven compared to my house.

"Elizah, do you need a ride back home"

It was Jay my brother/best friend. Shit he wants to bring me home. Shit shit shit. He will know something is wrong. Just by looking at the gorgeous big house. Dad is completely broke. He gets things from his ex wife ( not my mom)

" I'm fine I'll manage. Thanks though. Where's Jack?"

"He's with Alison,  being gross."

I stifle a laugh, Jay was the only one that could do that. Make me laugh and smile. I hated it.

"Alright no need to be rude." Then as I lightly pushed him away, my scarf slipped off showing my deep cuts that were still healing along with, six big black and blue bruises and red marks in the shape of a hand, some of those marks were a little bit ore towards my chest area the rest like the red marks were around my neck. They hurt.

"What the fuck are those!"

Jay practically yells. I don't reply. I just swoop down grabbing my scarf and start to speed walk away. Only to be pulled right back to my brother by his big hand. That terrified me and it hurt for I had bruises all along my arms as well.

"I said what the heck are those."

"And I didn't answer. They are nothing. I have to get to class. Please let go your hurting me really bad. JAY!"

He let go and then quickly in one swift move rolled up my sleeve reveling the cuts and scars and bruises all over it. Shock took over every emotion in his face. He looked up at me and frowned.

"Who the hell did all this to you?!"

"Hey guys, what's going on here."

I rip my arm away from Jay and put my scarf back on and roll down my sleeve just a quick as he rolled it up. Turned on my heel and RAN! I could not tell Jay where I got these marks for he would go to jail. My own dad could not go to jail. Not now. Jay can not find out my dad has been raping me and abusing me.

Hey guys I know this is a long chapter. But I've been wanting to write this for a long time and yes I know a lot is happening right now. And you could feel I don't know, but I hope you enjoyed this and want to keep reading cuz I would LOVE to keep writing this book for you.

-wonder_swan- 😘 thanks birdies.

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