Chapter 10.

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Jay's P.O.V

I walked into lunch with Jack and Alison. We sat at our regular table at our regular seats but without Ezra he is usually here before us. I only have fifth hour and sixth hour with him so I'm not even sure he's here so I started talking to one of my other friends.

"Jones my man!" We pulled each other into a weird bro hug.

"Hey, what is Ezra doing?" I looked where he was looking and smiled. He was walking into lunch holding hands with a smiling Elizah.
"Jack. Look. Over towards the lunch line."

He looked where my eyes where pointing and smiles too.

"Should we go bother them?"
He looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Yes, we defiantly should." So we got up from the table and walked over to the lunch line. They were just talking and laughing while Ezra was getting food. Then he was asking Elizah stuff while getting yogurt? What he hates yogurt, so he must have convinced Elizah to eat.

"Whoa Ezra is making her eat something. Wow!" Jack was shocked and I was right behind him with that. Then Elizah turned around to face us.

"You know we can hear you both right?" Which only made me chuckle. Then I got a great idea. I whispered to Jack:"Jack we should shout something about them dating. She would get so embarrassed." Then he smirked and whispered back "what should we say?"

"Congratulations to the new couples first lunch together. Ezra Jonathan and Elizah Mason. We are so proud." I giggled. "This is going to be fun. On the count of three. 1. 2. 3: CONGRATS TO THE NEW COUPLES FIRST LUNCH TOGETHER EZRA JONATHAN AND ELIZAH MASON. WE ARE SO PROUD!!!" Elizah gave us the death glare and then turned around to see a very embarrassed Ezra? Oh right he hates being the absolute center of attention and that is why he has so many friends. Oops! "Ezra let's just go."

"Yeah. Yeah let's j-just go." I laughed along with Jack as we finished getting our lunches.


When we got back to our table everyone was laughing except Alison. When she saw us she stood up with a very very angry face. She went up to Jack first and socked him in the arm hard then she turned to me. I made the mistake of covering my arms because then she just punched me in the gut. "You dumbasses what the hell is wrong with you!" She then turned around and went in the direction of the library which is where I'm guessing Ezra and Iza are. I sat down where my food was and started eating.  But then I remembered Great. Elizah has a boyfriend. Jack has a girlfriend. I am a complete loner. Fantastic. *note the sarcasm. "JAY!! Hello!?!" Marvin one of my many friends was trying to get my attention.


"Dude when you zone out you really zone out. Jeez. Anyways why is Ezra dating Elizah. Doesn't she have like problems or something?" I froze. "You did not just say what I think you just said." 

"Whoa, dude I'm only going by what Tammy has been telling people. And she isn't just telling the people like us she's telling like the whole school. It's not my fault. Sorry." He then got up and walked away. Tammy is soooooo beyond dead to me.


I texted Tammy to meet me in the auditorium after school. Right now I'm currently in fifth hour.

Ezra's P.O.V

Right now I'm in fifth hour with Jay, Alison, Jack and the best of them all Elizah. I also have First hour, and third hour with her. Of course I miss the first few hours with Elizah but I've got this one so I'm all good.

During class I kept glancing at her, and then it grew to staring. I couldn't help it she looked so cute when she put her reading glasses on. Then right before we were assigned homework she looked over at me and smiled. Then she looked down at something in her lap. Then my phone buzzed she texted me.

E: I could feel your eyes on me. I was resisting the urge to look back at you. You are ridiculous.

Me: Sorry, I can't help that you are beautiful, you also caught my attention when you put your reading glasses on.

E: oh really.

Me: Yup.

E: What do you like more. My massive mane of wavy long back hair or my weird too big for my face blue eyes.

Me: Both. They make you unique.

E: Ok. Whatever😋

Me: I'm serious tho, you are beautiful.

E: I know your serious.

"Okay class that is the homework up on the board just in case you were busy with looking at your laps. Hhem. Ezra."

My face grew hot and I know it was probably red. Red with embarrassment. I heard Jay laughing along with Jack. I slumped down in my chair and looked over to Elizah and she was smiling at me. I rolled my eyes at her which made her smile even bigger, but not to where her teeth were showing.
"Alright everyone settle down. Get some work done before the cell rings."

I get out my notebook and started my homework.


I hope this chapter wasn't too boring.

Not edited


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