Chapter 6.

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Alison's P.O.V

We all just sat in silence. We were in the den room, In the small cozy room there were three chairs and one luv seat. Jay sat next to Jackson on the couch while I sat across from Elizah on one of the chairs and then across from the couch in the last chair Ezra sat. There was nothing but silence. It wasn't comfortable but it wasn't uncomfortable either. I glanced from Elizah to Jay to Jack then to Ezra. They were all just looking at either the floor or their hands.

"God you guys this is so weird."
I had to break the silence, I hated it. They all slowly looked at me. I widened my eyes in stuck my head out further, in a questioning Manet as if telling them to tell me why it's so weird. Then Elizah slowly, like really slowly as if she were questioning her movements, she stood up and walked out of the den, without a word just a blank, emotionless look on her face.

"Elizah, Elizah just wait."

Jay stood up and went after her. God he loves her so damn much, I wish I had a brother like that. Doop dash doop doop. My phone brought me out of my thoughts, I looked at the caller ID  it was my doctor. I quickly but silently answered and went out into the hallway.


"Hello this is Alison Diorinta, right?"

"Yes, is there something wrong."

"Umm how do I say this. Well Alison your test results came back and you, you have lung cancer. In both of your lungs. It's at the point where we can't really do much. We are predicting that you have a good but short 60 days before this may take your life. I'm so sorry."

"T-thank you for telling me."
I quickly hung the phone up and ran to the bathroom. I shut the door and shrank to the floor away from the door so that no one could hear me crying. I cried and cried. I don't know what to do. How do I tell them. They have enough to deal with because of Elizah. His would be awful for everyone. But I have to tell them.

"Hey, babe are you okay?"
Jack. I opened the door immediately, and grabbed him pulling him closer to me and hugging him tightly. I pulled away soon after and looked him straight in the eyes.

"I need to tell everyone something." And with that I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen where everyone was now.

"Everyone sit down." I said as I pointed to the table. They did as they were told, they all looked at me as if I were insane. And with a very shaky voice I said:
"I know that this is awful timing because of everything going on with Elizah, but if I don't tell you I most likely won't tell you till the last second or day."
I said the last part quieter. Then I continued.

"Alright, I-I h-have c-cancer. Bad cancer. Lung cancer in both of my lungs and it's too late to remove so the doctors are estimating that I only have 60 days left to live so roughly two months." I let out a shaky breath before looking back at them. They had their mouths wide open on shock. I looked over to Elizah and she burst into tears. I looked back to my hands. But now that I've said it out loud, I happy that I only have 60 days to live. I have wanted to die for a long time. I couldn't help but smile brightly at the thought of finally during after so many years of depression and suffering. Jack noticed me smile.

"What are you so happy about you're going to die!"
I merely looked up at him, my smile fading as I watched a tear roll down his cheek. I didn't know what else to do, I just stood up and walked out of the house and ran back to my house. Which was over a mile away. By the time I got home it was around 8:00 my mom wasn't going to be home for another 4 hours so I took this chance to  cut myself. So I went upstairs to the bathroom. Opened the drawer closest to the toilet, taking out a blade that I have hidden away. I pulled up my shirt slightly. And toon the blade in my right hand as my left hand held my shirt up. I slid the blade across the skin on my belly and let the blood drip and glide down the rest of my belly. I then cleaned my self up. And went to bed. Sore. And either happy or sad? I wasn't sure.


I hope you liked this chapter. There are five main characters in this book so there will be five different P.O.Vs. just to let you guys know.

P.S. Not edited.


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