Chapter 2 - Knowing Akihiko

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I never got to let you guys know what Akihiko looks like, or at least know what his background is. This is not really a chapter, but I'm still calling it one! That's why I'm going to tell you!
(I do not own the picture!)
Looks: black hair, blue eyes, well built.

Personality: sweet, kind, loving, smart, psychotic at times, very brave.

Likes: Hikaru, making love to Hikaru, writing, killing or torturing people who hurt Hikaru, dogs, music, helping people, anime, reading, drawing, seeing you happy, kind people.

Dislikes: people who hurt, threaten, touch, or do anything to Hikaru, school, cruel people, cops, teachers, people who boss him around, seeing Hikaru cry.

Background: Akihiko was always a happy kid with such a loving family. When he was 6 years old, all of that went away. He had a mother, and a father, but what he didn't know was that his father was too a yandere. His mother never worked, and rarely was allowed to leave the house,thanks to his father. His mother was always caring, loving, and such a sweet person to him.

Although she was like that to Akihiko, she never did that to her husband. He was the reason she was forced to get married, to have a child, and sometimes when she misbehaves, he would cut her in the middle of the night, so Akihiko won't wake up. One day, the father got super psychotic because he felt that Akihiko was the reason he never got attention from his wife, so he decided that he will kill his wife, the child, and then himself.

It was 1:46 in the morning, and Akihiko was sleeping, until he heard a loud shrieking scream that belonged to a woman. He woke up in an instant, and ran to his parents room to see an unforgettable sight. On the floor was his mother's lifeless body that has been stabbed in the heart. His father was right next to her body, crying and his eyes were dark, and deadly.

Akihiko was too shocked to do anything, just stand there and cry. "M-mom!!" Akihiko yelled and ran to his mother, hugging her, sobbing into her. He looked up to his father and said, "Y-YOU M-MONSTER!!!" He cried out. His father just stood there with anger and sadness.

His father just let out a laugh, and then slowly walked to his son he wished he never had. He held the knife up high into the air, Akihiko was crying, not ready for the impact that was going to happen to him.

A loud bang was heard, and realized that the police came. The father, not wanting to go to jail, killed himself by slicing his neck. Akihiko's eyes widen, and started to cry even more. The police came in the room, surprised to see what had just happened not too long ago.

Akihiko has spent 10 years In foster care. Even though the kids and adults have treated him with care and love, it wasn't enough to forget the tragic event 10 years ago. The foster care thought it was time to let him go, so they bought him a house that he doesn't have to pay for at all. He thanked them for all there help. Since his home was close to a high school, he then moved to the school.

He spent 1 year in that school, and he never liked it, not one bit. Girls would always surround him like a flock of birds trying to each a piece of food. They would flirt with him, always bothering him, never giving him one second of privacy.

When he met Hikaru, it's like his whole world changed to a brighter shade of color than it ever was. Hikaru was the sunshine to his day.He is more than happy to have a boyfriend like Hikaru, but what he doesn't know is that he inherits his dads yandere trait...

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