Chapter 8 - Our date

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Akihiko's P.O.V.

YES!! Our third date!! What will it be this time? Go to a fancy restaurant? A walk in the park? Stay at my house and have some "fun?" That's it!! We'll go to a fancy restaurant, I'll pay, go to the Park for a walk, then go to my house and have "fun!" All in one!! Yes, perfect!

I heard the doorbell ring, so I went downstairs, trying to to fix my suit and tie, I half to look great for my beautiful, charming Hikaru!

Hikaru's P.O.V.

I dressed in my best clothes, AKA, my regular clothes. Its not like I can afford $50 tuxes, hell no! "Hello Hikaru, ready for our date?" Akihiko said in his charming voice. "Yes I'm ready! Where do you wanna go this time?" I said, a little curious on where were going this time. "I was thinking we could go to a fancy restaurant, after that, we could go for a walk in the park, and a surprise~!" Akihiko said. I was now very curious when he said that the last was a "surprise."

"Shall we go, my love?" Akihiko said as I felt my cheeks blush from him calling me "love." He took my hand as we walked to the fancy restaurant.

We walked and talked about random things, like we always do when we go on a date. I got t know about his past, and his life even more as we started to date. I love Akihiko, I want to make sure he's happy, no matter t situation.

Akihiko's P.O.V.

I love everything about Hikaru. I will never leave him, I want to make sure he stays with me forever, and love me forever. I will do anything to make him love me, even if I half to do it by force. I know everything about him, even his past.

He lived with his mother and father, until his father passed away when he was 6, in a car crash. They moved to America when he was 12, and when he was 15, he moved back to Tokyo, Japan by himself. His mother has cancer, so his sister is taking care of her.

I felt a little bit of pity when his mother had cancer. I hope he still stays here, and if he tries to leave...I will make sure he stays.

Hikaru's P.O.V.

We went to (Restaurants name), and ate. I ordered (favorite food), and Akihiko ordered chicken with white rice. We both ate, a chatted. We told each other jokes, and he made a joke that was so funny! Since this restaurant was so quite, I tried to contain my laugh, so my face was red. Akihiko giggled at me because of my face expression.

Once we were done, we went to the park. It was empty, except for a couple people. It was a pretty park, with an ice cream stand that sold different ice cream flavors. "Do you want an ice cream, love?" Akihiko asked me. "Sure! I'll have a (favorite ice cream) please." I said. "Okay, I'll be right back, just sit down on that bench over there." He pointed to a bench, not too far away, as I went to sit on it.

While he was ordering our ice cream, a guy around my age came up to me, and started asking me for his phone number. I kindly rejected, but he didn't take no for an answer, as he grabbed my wrist roughly, and tried to walk away, but I was fighting back, as I did not want to go with him.

Akihiko's P.O.V.

As I finished ordering our ice cream, I turned around and saw someone touching my Hikaru. Nobody touches my Hikaru, except for me. I walked up to the man, and kicked him hard on his private, and instantly fell down, holding his private in pain. Hikaru instantly hugged me, snapping me back to reality. We walked out of the park, with our ice creams, leaving the man on the floor.

Hikaru's P.O.V.

We were eating our ice creams, when the sun was setting. We were walking to his house, so I was gonna spend the night, and I also have a hint of what the "surprise" is.

"Hey, Hikaru, I want a bite of your ice cream." He said as he took a big bite from my ice cream. "Hey! That was a very big bite, no fair!" I said as I started pouting. "You can have of back, if you want. ~" He said as he kissed me, pushing the ice cream back into my mouth. I just deeply blushed on what he did. We walked in silence, as we finally went inside his house.

We went upstairs to his room. "So Akihiko, what was the "surprise" you told me about?" I said with a smirk on my face, he smirked back, knowing what I was thinking. "Oh, just get on the bed, and you'll know~" he said in a very sexy voice, as he pushed me on the bed, to have a little "fun."

I wrote enough, so I'm not writing a lemon, sorry! The next chapter will have a little violence, so be prepared my peeps! Also, school starts tomorrow for me, so my updating will be a little more late, and the chapters will be a little shorter. Bye my peeps!

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