"Zayn, right?" A deep Irish voice asked me. I looked up at Niall's dad and nodded as I tried my hardest to wipe my face. He reached a hand out to me and helped me up to my feet. We both walked into the bathroom near by where he began to help me wash my hands clean. I cried a little more, but it was silent and with that much more pain. He dried my hands for me then put a wet paper towel on the back of my neck to calm me. I kept hyperventilating because a thought ran into my mind saying that I pretty much cheated on Niall as well and he was now dying thinking that I don't love him.

"You're not just a friend to my boy, are you?" Niall's dad asked me. I didn't answer him at all, I just looked at him trying to think of how in the world he could tell. Maybe it was how much I was falling apart or the fact he stayed by him through all of this. I wasn't sure, but I just knew I didn't want to answer him at all. Niall was afraid of coming out to this man for a reason.

"I always thought he was... he was gay. He just felt different than his brother. When my wife was pregnant with him even said she felt he would be different. I saw the way other men looked at him and hated it. I hated seeing his partner look at him like he was the best thing placed on this earth. I know my son is, but another man other than myself thinking that just angered me. Then I saw the way Niall looked at you the night he brought you with him to that pub. I wanted to kill you because I knew that you were the one my son would fall for. It wasn't that pretty girl I hoped was his girlfriend, it was you. I watched you both that night and I hated it because I knew the truth of what would make him different. I blamed you for making my son gay. I hated you for it, but now seeing the way you are acting about this situation, I know I didn't hate you for the reasons I thought. I hated you for being the man that would take my baby from me. He always tried so hard to make me proud, but with you I saw in your eyes you were proud just to be standing next to Niall. You're the man I'll never be for Niall and I hated you for that." Niall's dad told me before he broke down. I took that towel off my neck and hesitantly pulled him into my arms. He pat my back back then squeezed me tightly.

"Greg told me all about you. I know you were in that building tonight because of your so called job. But if I'm honest with you, I don't give a shit. My son loves you for a reason and you make him happy, that's all I can want. I never made him happy, always trying to make him man up when I knew he was just too gentle to ever be what I wanted. You must have a heart of gold if Niall risked his whole career as a police officer for you. Love him better than anyone, please." He whispered to me. His first words made my body tense, but when he finished I was able to let out a deep breath and pat his back. We pulled out of our embrace and his blue eyes looked at me like he wished he could have changed the way he treated Niall before.

"You still can. He'll be okay and you can." I whispered to him. He nodded and turned to walk out of the bathroom. I followed him out, but when we got to the waiting room I saw Greg was there and another police officer that had short cropped brown hair and brown eyes that were bloodshot red from crying. There was also a small woman that was just sitting in her chair with a shocked look on her face.

"Dad, I said I was sorry." Greg cried, but his father just ignored him. I took a seat across from the lady that kind of looked like Niall. His father kissed her cheek and sat next to her. The other cop took a seat next to me while Greg just paced back and forth away from us. Mr.Horan cleared his throat and looked at me and pat his wife on her leg.

"Maura, this is Zayn. He's, uh, he's Niall's boyfriend I guess. Zayn this is my wife, Maura. You can also call me Bobby if it makes you comfortable." He said, but the tone of his voice just sounded too defeated to even care about anything anymore. Maura reached her hand out to me and shook my hand before weakly siting back down. She didn't seem fazed by the introduction between me and her. She seemed almost relieved that her husband was taking this all so well.

Life Of A Prostitute (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now