Chapter 21 : Fainting

Start from the beginning

"Ok. Lay down until the feeling passes, ok?"

Riker laid down on his bed. I noticed his face was all pale, and his hands were shaking slightly.

He was looking at me one minute, and then his eyes were closed the next.

"Riker? Riker!"

He was passed out. I ran upstairs.


I found her in the kitchen.

"Jeff, please don't shout."

"Riker fainted."

I followed mom down the stairs.

"Go get your father."

I ran back up the stairs, found dad, and told him to go downstairs. He told me to wait upstairs, so I did. I sat on the couch, worried. What's wrong with Riker!?

Riker POV

I opened my eyes, and realized my head hurt. Everything was all blurry, but that was partly because I didn't have my glasses on.

"Riker? Riker, are you ok?"

I squinted a little, recognizing my mom and dad.

"I... My head..."

I rubbed my forehead a little.

"What's wrong, Riker?" Mom asked.

"I have a headache... And a stomachache... And I just don't feel good."

"When was the last time you ate?"


"And you barely had any dinner... What about fluids?"

"I didn't really drink anything since yesterday..."

"I think you were dehydrated. That's probably why you fainted. You need to have some breakfast."

My mom made me get up and walk up to the kitchen. I still couldn't really see anything though, and I felt like crap.

"We'll be upstairs getting ready if you need anything," mom said.

I realized I was all alone now.

I felt my way around the kitchen until I found the fridge. I can barely see anything without my glasses, and I'm not risking the stairs just to get them.

I opened the fridge, feeling around for the milk. I was planning on making cereal.

I found the milk, and found the counter. I put it on the counter, and then went to find bowls. I found a bowl and a spoon, and then put them on the counter too. I found the cereal boxes, but I couldn't tell what they were. There were 3 of them, so I just randomly chose one.

I opened it up, and attempted to pour the cereal in the bowl. But it didn't exactly go in the bowl. It went all over the counter.


I opened the milk, and decided to try that. I tried pouring, but stopped immediately. It went on my feet...

"This is freaking impossible!"

I went to try to find paper towels, and ended up slipping and falling flat on my butt.


I laid there on the kitchen floor, not feeling like I wanted to get up. I felt defeated. By the freaking bowl of cereal.

"Need some help?"

I squinted, trying to see who it was.

"Um... Yeah..."

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