Her daughter rolled her eyes, "Mom."

"My lovely Star... My baby Star.." Queen Butterfly wiped tears from her eyes carefully to not smear her makeup.



Star stepped forward and placed her hand on her mother's arm. "It's okay.. I'm okay"

"I'm not okay.." The queen cried, "My daughter.. Finally taking the throne.. I'm just so surprised— I'm so proud."

Star smiled, handing her a handkerchief, "Mom... Thank you."


"Thank you for everything... I'm sure I'll be fine because you taught me everything I know. Dad too, but if you weren't here I— I don't think I would survive." Star finished, and Queen Butterfly pulled her into a hug.

She closed her eyes,"It was an honor.. You're welcome, my shiny Star."

Star's eyes lit for a moment, before she closed them. "It was an honor having you as my mother.."

"Now.. the crown?" Queen Butterfly turned her head after she finished a lengthy speech and oath with her daughter.

King Butterfly stood next to his wife, blowing his nose then and there.

"The crown?" The queen repeated, nudging her husband and he let out an oh!

He turned to the crown holder nearby and was given the gold crown. It was beautiful; whenever the light hit it the blue and pink gems shined brightly.

The king passed it to his wife but not before giving his daughter a hug.
"I am so proud of you, Star." He said under his mustache, and the princess smiled.

"Thanks Dad."

As he stepped back, the queen stepped forward with the crown in her hands.

Star leaned down, and her mother placed the crown on top of her head.
"I now pronounce you.."

The blonde straightend back her composure, and turned to the large audience.

"..Queen Star Butterfly of Mewni."

The audience cheered loudly, chanting either All hail Queen Butterfly! or long live the queen!

Star smiled brightly. Her smile was almost brighter than all of the light in the throne room as she gazed upon the audience.

And upon the audience, her eyes met with another's.
A brunette he was, her best friend.

They've been together through thick and thin, and now she was looking at him as a queen.

Marco smiled when his eyes met her sparkling blue ones.
He clapped and she laughed.
He was so proud of her.

When the ceremony was over and came the after party, Marco was finally able to talk to Star.
They chatted and chatted away as they drank Mewni wine.

Eventually Star had to run off somewhere, leaving Marco alone.

"I need some fresh air..." The brunette huffed, fanning himself.

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