32. Birthday Fools

Start from the beginning

"April fools!" She yelled.

I smiled.

Jesse glared at her, "C'mon no fair. I actually thought you were crying."

She smiled evilly," just wait, I have more planned."

"What I miss?" Austin cut in.

"Oh, Austin we-, oh you have something on your shirt,"

Austin examined his shirt, "where?"

"Right here " she pointed to his chest, he looked down, she brought up her finger and hit him in the chin.

He growled, she laughed and walked away, sending me a wink. Telling me that I'm next.

I swallowed.

"I love my birthday." She said walking into a classrom.


Jesse got a shaving cream filled locker, Austin's desk and chair colapsed on him, Malory's purse blew up with flour, and I got my pants pulled down in from of everyone in the cafeteria.

She said that she is just getting started.

"But since I'm your boyfriend, don't that mean that you should go easy on me?" I asked.

"Nope, that's just a word. We were friends before we became an item. The only difference is, is that we are a bit closer. So that means that I don't have to take it easy on you. Besides, it's just one day. You'll survive. I'm not that mean."

"Do you ever breath?" I awed.

We started to laugh.

"Um, can I head to your house today? I have some mom issues, and I really don't wanna be there with her." I admitted.



"You cant, I have a date."

"With who?"

"Now, I can't tell you that." She smiled.

I gritted my teeth and tightened my fists. "Who?" I said a bit louder.

"APRIL FOOLS!" Lexi yelled.

I loosened my fists and let out a deep breath, and put my head down on the table. "You gotta stop doing that to me."

"I can't help it, you guys are so gullible."

"I am not gullable."

"Yes you are. It's okay, your just going through denial. It's one of the many stages of grief."

"I'm so sick of being played! It's not funny when you think that your girlfriend is cheeting on you. It doesn't feel good at all. You can't joke about things like that. Just like you can't fake being pregnant. Some people aren't as fortunate as some people. I have worked so hard to be where I am now!" I yelled.

Everyone stopped talking and eating, to look at me. I stood up and walked out into the hall to calm down.

I balled up my fists, ready to punch something.

As Austin walked out to find me, I punched some nearby lockers.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Austin came up and grabbed my shoulders and made me sit down on the floor.

"I'm loosing my house." I stared blankly at the bulletin board in front of me.


"My mom is wasting all her money that's supposed to go to bills on beer and sex." I felt tears weld up in my eyes.

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