Chapter Seventy-Seven

Começar do início

It was a little strange being in this room, with all of his stuff, so quiet. I almost felt like I should be sneaking around, waiting to hear the key in the door to dive under the bed and hide. Instead I helped myself to a shower, the plush white bath towel soaking the water from my moist skin before I crawled into his unmade bed.

It was the closest I’ve been to him in weeks.

Niall’s POV

Josh had been clamoring for a rematch since last Tuesday, and I finally decided to indulge him just to help pass the time, which was of course creeping by now that I was expecting her. I didn’t see the sense in her coming to the show tonight, but she couldn’t be convinced. She had an answer for everything, as usual, and when I pointed out that the time change would mean the concert would start at what her body would be thinking is three in the morning, to which she replied that none of that mattered because she’d been slowly acclimating to this time zone over the last week or so, staying up incredibly late and sleeping in the guest room which had a west-facing window and curtains heavy enough to block out just about any light that tried to sneak in.

What a nutter.

The second half had just kicked-off when the door opened with a creak. “Hello boys.” She said, slipping her bag from her shoulder. I didn’t even manage to pause the game before dropping the controller to the couch. Faced pressed to my chest, I pulled her in, my lips unable to wait for hers to be accessible. I kissed the top of her head. “Mm, Ni.” She hummed.

“Missed you, babe.” I muttered. Her light denim shirtdress fell just above her freckled knees, perfect for the desert heat. She looked a little thinner than I remembered; not much- a few pounds’ difference maybe, but there was still a thud in my gut at the idea that she’s not taking care of herself, and that I’m not there to do it either. Finally, she touched her lips to mine, and I breathed her in.

“Ay no birds in the mancave!” Louis’ voice boomed as he walked in the door. “Where’d you pick this one up?” Roxy spun around to give him a quick poke in the ribs before pulling him into a hug. “Hey Miss Moxie.” He smiled.

“Hey Tommo.” She said, repositioning her sunglasses in her hair. I felt the overwhelming urge to steal away with her, needing a few minutes alone just to hold her hand and stare. I could hear the shouts of the crowd echoing down the corridor, the opening act just now taking the stage. We were on in an hour.

“Rox.” She turned. “Walk with me.” Her fingers laced in mine as we wandered, but not aimlessly, our shoulders touching. “Just left something on the bus.” I muttered in case she was wondering where we were headed. Actually, she didn’t seem to care.  She was so quiet.

I lifted the door handle and was relieved at the silence that poured down the small staircase, which we both climbed, the door closing behind us, formal declaration that we were alone. Her fingers plucked the sunglasses from her face and tucked them into her bag, which she slid onto the table between the bench seats along the window. I licked my lips.

“You okay?” she said. “Seem nervous.”

“I…I feel nervous.” I replied. Her face changed at my words, having misunderstood their meaning. “I mean, I feel…I feel like I’m sixteen or something.”

“What do you mean?” she laughed lightly.

“I mean, I haven’t seen you in a month.” I rushed. “And now you’re here and I should be sitting next to you and asking about your flight but all I can think about is what’s beneath that dress.” She said nothing, but took a step toward me. “And for days I’ve been thinking about tonight, after the show, what it will be like to have you again. But I don’t think I can wait.”

In Other Words (Niall Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora