"Well I've gotta go," I said awkwardly. "But if you guys want I can try get you different jobs. I mean I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard". 

Matisse shrugged. Obviously a no from her. 

"Na, it's fine Lize. We don't really know what else we want to do yet" Amy replied. 

"Ok, well let me know if you need anything" I offered as I stood up. "Oh, and turn those frowns upside down" I attempted, with a big smile before walking away. I felt bad. Because it was now my fault they  were down in the dumps. 

I made my way to Eric's apartment. I was planning on going to see him for it felt as though I hadn't seen him for ages. Ages meaning a day or less. But still, seeing each other at least a few times a day had become a common thing for us. 

I didn't bother knocking. He had said I didn't need to because I was his girlfriend and such. So I just walked straight in. 

"Eric?" I called out, dragging his name out. 

I heard a rummaging come from his bedroom, followed by my name being called out in hype. 

He came running out from his room holding a box. He had a big smile on his face, a hint of evil submerged in it. What made me curious was the way he held the box, as if it was a new puppy that he had been dying to get. What the hell is going on...

"It's here, it's here" he almost squealed in the state of his exhilaration. 

He was seriously acting like a little boy, he couldn't stop smiling. I laughed at his cheerfulness... 

Before it hit me... 

The device was in the box. The special divergent targeting device. The only thing that could bring me down, was in that very box, right in Eric's arms. 

I felt my stomach drop and my blood pressure rise. And my heart... My heart was pounding away like a non-stop earthquake within my chest. My heart paced as if it was running for it's life. And in actual reality I did want to run for my life. 

I stood still, feet fixed to the ground. I tried to resemble his excitement. 

He pulled the device out of the box. "Jeanine sent them to a team of Dauntless. You got one too" he spoke as he set it up. 

It was a hand held device with five strange prongs pointing out to the sides. He pressed a button and it came to life. 

"It's simple to use. You just hold it in front of a persons head and it tells you what percentage divergent they are" Eric continued, admiring it. "Isn't that amazing? Now we don't have to put energy into finding out whether someone is divergent". 

I nodded, smiling nervously. He didn't seem to notice my edgy-ness. 

"C'mon, let me try it on you" he said playfully, taking a few steps closer to me. 

I jerked my head away and almost sprinted onto the other side of the room. But he didn't sense anything. He just laughed, thinking this was a fun game to me. As if we were just playing 'tag'. 

He continued trying to test me, giggling a lot. I wasn't though. I was truly mortified. I was internally screaming. 

Eventually I ran into the kitchen, seeking refuge. But that was a big mistake. He cornered me. 

"Ah-hah!" he grinned. "You've been cornered Ms Turner" he joked as he held the thing up to my face. 

I couldn't fight him, there was no way. I just braced myself for the worst. 

I watched his face through the device. A light blue light shone, making it's way around in one full circle. This was it... I felt sick. I felt guilty. I already felt dead

Divergent: 75 percent, a robotic voice revealed. 

Eric's face turned cold. Ice cold. His smile had disappeared. He was in a state of disbelief, his mouth slightly ajar. He looked at the device, then at me, then back at the device, then back at me. He was trying to figure out what had happened. All of a sudden his 'perfect' girlfriend had changed. She was now his enemy. His eyebrows closed in on each other. He was frowning at the device in anger. Then his eyes flicked to me. I was cowering, almost sinking down onto my knees. His look hadn't changed though, his eyes were full of rage, mixed with confusion and distraught. And it was then, looking into his eyes, that I noticed their glossiness. He was almost in tears. 

At this point I wasn't sure if he would kill me or just hurt me. Or just leave me. 

He stepped away from me, as if I was a monster. A monster to him. 

I began to cry. I felt terrible. I never asked for this! I thought. I sunk down onto the ground. Sitting there in a mess, knees tucked close to my face that surely had streaks of mascara running down it by now. 

I wasn't looking at him. That's how ashamed I felt. I could feel the anger coming from him. I could feel his sadness. I could read his mind, How could you let me down...

I sobbed a little more. Great, now he probably thinks even worse of you. I began to think. Stop crying, pull yourself together and look him in the eyes.

Just as I was about to look at him I saw something out of my peripheral vision. It was his arm! Was he lending me a hand to help me up? Does he still love me? 

I had hope. Not a lot but just a little. 

But I realised all that hope was lost when I finally looked up at him... 

My body froze,

 as I eyed the gun in his hand. The gun that was pointing,

straight    at     me

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