Her gaze dropped to the table for a few seconds, then came back up to mine. "I know I over-reacted. I'm sorry. I've just missed you for the past few months and just when I got you back it felt like you were leaving again. I shouldn't have ignored your calls either. I'm sorry." I nodded as a small smile crept up on my face. 

"So are we okay again?" She grinned and I couldn't help but beam back.

"Better than okay, you weirdo," she teased. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"So do I get a hug?" She bit her lip thoughtfully and pretended to think about it; I couldn't help but notice that she looked good when she did that. Then she hopped out of her chair and moved to sit sideways on my lap and wrap her arms around my neck. I slid my arms around her waist and pulled her close. I hadn't realized how much I missed this - us - but now it just hurt to feel so happy again. Allsion seemed to sense that I was troubled and pulled back slightly to study my face. I didn't even try to cover up my emotions, just let her read me like a book. I came here to tell her after all.

"What's wrong, Hunter?" she asked, worry tinging her voice. I gripped her waist tighter, whether to keep my hand from running through my hair or to reassure myself that she was still here with me, I wasn't quite sure. 

"The Blackwoods caame over again yeterday," I answered vaguely. She waited expectantly for me to say more, but I didn't. I didn't want to say the words, because I knew that once I did, everything would feel too real.

"And? Are you gonna tell me what happened or not?" she asked finally. I inhaled deeply as she waited for an answer.

"Theyaskedmetogohomewiththem," I rushed and looked up to Allison's eyes. She blinked and stared down at me blankly.

"Wait what?"

"They asked me if I wanted to go home with them," I repeated, more slowly this time. 

"And what did you say?" she demanded, slightly frantic. I didn't say anything, I just nodded and hung my head, resting it on her shoulder. "Aw, Hunter," she whispered and tightened her hold on me, pulling herself closer to me until she was straddling my waist with my face nestled in the crook of her neck and my arms around her waist. I could feel the stares of some of the other customers in the cafe, but I didn't care. I just wanted to stay here with Allison. 

But I couldn't. I couldn't stay here anymore. I needed a change of scenery. I needed to get away from the memory of my parents once and for all. I needed to get away from Gryffin. 

So I was just going to have to enjoy this while I could. 

I snuggled in closer to her and shut my eyes as she rubbed the back of my neck soothingly and played with what was left of my hair. I felt something hot and wet land on my skin and I pulled back and to see tears staining Allison's cheeks. 

"Don't go doing that," I groaned, cupping her face in my hands and brushing them away. 

"I don't want you to go," she whispered. I gave a small, sad smile and nodded.

"I know."

"How long?" she asked, perking up a bit. I wish she wouldn't get her hopes up like that.

"I leave tomorrow." All the energy drained from her, leaving her limp and her eyes dark.

"Tomorrow? Isn't there like paperwork or something that has to be sorted out first?" 

I shook my head and replied, "No. They already had everything written out beforehand. They just wanted to ask my opinion before they finalized it. They have the papers for Gryffin too, but they won't go through with it."

Through the Eyes of a StormOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz