The End?

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"So how's the baby?" Jim asked, sitting across from Leonard in his office in Sickbay. Leonard groaned.

"Seriously, Jim, we've been through this. Please stop calling our bond thing a baby. Makes me feel like I'm pregnant." He muttered the last part, since it gave him the chills. Him? Pregnant? Even with the technology making it possible for men to get pregnant, he'd never do such a thing.

"Seriously, Bones." Jim shot back, leaning closer to him over the desk. "How are the two of you doing? You seem happier." Leonard threw up his arms.

"First Joanna and now you- what is it about me now that makes people think I'm happy?!" He shook his head, Jim laughing at him.

"First of all, you're practically glowing. You seem to be taking better care of yourself. Second," Jim leaned even closer, making Leonard worry for the man's ribs against his desk. "I can hear Spock jerking off to you every night." Jim whispered, and Leonard was shocked.

"Really?" He whispered back, but Jim's mouth twitched into a smile.

"No. But you looked pretty terrified when I said it." Jim laughed, and Leonard glared. He never should've believed Spock capable of something like that.

"Ha-ha, Jim, thanks." He retorted sarcastically, trying to occupy himself with some work. But now he had Spock in his head, and Jim wasn't letting it go.

"Why're you so afraid of him, Bones? You've done it with him before." Jim said casually, leaning back in his chair. Leonard rose his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Even though Spock remembers every ounce of detail-"

"Every ounce, mmm," Jim smirked, and Leonard scowled.

"Every detail," he said through grit teeth, "I don't think it really counts. We were inebriated and stupid. I probably would've fucked a cactus that night." Jim winced immediately, and Leonard rolled his eyes.

"Don't you think you're being a bit too stiff about this? And not in the good way?" Jim asked, looking genuinely concerned.

"Look, Jim, Spock and I just started the relationship. We haven't even made out yet." Leonard explained, but Jim perked up for some reason.

"So that means you kissed?!" Jim said happily, and Leonard groaned again. He really was in for it now. "How was it? Was it nice? Was it bad? Did he touch you or just keep his hands behind his back like a moron? Oh, fuck, I really want to kiss Spock!" Jim complained, and Leonard almost punched the man on instinct.

"Damn it, Jim! Fuck off!" Leonard slammed his fist against the table, feeling he had every right to be angry by now. "Your prying has been getting out of hand, and I've dealt with it this far. But if you make one more snide remark about how Spock is on your fuck-list, I will personally kick you back to Iowa!" Jim's eyebrows were raised, and he looked as though he was going to say something, but he closed his mouth. Leonard sighed. "I'm sorry, Jim. I just... I'm on edge."

"I know. It was my fault, though, for bringing up me and Spock." Jim said quietly, rubbing his hands together in thought. "I don't really want to kiss him or anything- at least not anymore. Sure he's hot, I'll give you that, but he's not in my sights." Leonard nodded. He could accept that. Jim got up to leave, and made his way out.

"Hey," Leonard called out at the last second. Jim turned to him. "Thanks for being here for me. I don't deserve you." Jim grinned.

"Ain't nobody deserve me!" Jim yelled out, all but strutting away. Sometimes it was annoying how much of a pompous jerk he was.

Spock was meditating on the floor when Leonard walked into his quarters, so he thought twice about coming in in the first place.

"Should I come back another time?" Leonard asked quietly, unsure as to how to approach the situation. He'd never seen Spock meditate like this before. Spock opened his eyes.

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