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As soon as Spock stepped foot outside the door, he immediately regretted his decision. Was he being too hasty? It was quite sudden of him, and even Jim could tell that he was acting strange. Spock knew that he was making a bad, sudden decision. But he had already made it, and he was going to follow it through.

While he walked through the halls, he wondered why he suddenly decided that Jim was right about this. Then he realized that from the very beginning he was being illogical about the situation. Spock knew that he should have told McCoy long ago about all of this. He decided that his sudden bout of nonsensical thinking was due to being bonded with a human. His mother told him once that Sarek suffered some illogical thoughts soon after being bonded. She said that he recovered his sense after locking himself away to meditate for hours on end. Spock decided that he would take more time out of his daily regime for meditation.

For now, he would take his illogical human strength and make use of it. Spock knocked on McCoy's door, steeling his face.

Leonard groaned. Right when he was about to comm Christine to see if she was free tomorrow night, someone knocked on his door. All he wanted was some peace, was that too much to ask? He assumed it was Jim, though, so he went to the door and opened it. He was startled to find a stoic Vulcan standing there.

"Mister Spock." Leonard nodded and allowed the man in. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He said sarcastically, shutting the door. He couldn't help but feel annoyed that Spock was there, in his room, at this ungodly hour.

"Doctor, do you recall the events that took place the night when the crew indulged in alcoholic beverages?" Spock asked, prim and to the point. Leonard thought about that. The crew altogether did drink perhaps more than they ought to, but he guessed Spock was talking about that one night in particular.

"For the most part," Leonard said, turning around and grabbing his ice water that he had gotten earlier. He took a long drink. There was a lot of condensation on the glass, so he had to wipe his hand on his pants. "I was kinda surprised that you participated as well. Doesn't seem too Vulcan-y of you." He turned around to face the hard-faced Vulcan, and crossed his arms. "I only remember up until Chekov's little karate chopping accident." He chuckled, but Spock stayed stiff. He seemed kind of... off.

"You do not remember me accompanying you back to your quarters?" Spock asked, taking a step forward. Leonard frowned.

"No. What happened? We get into another fight that I don't know about?" Leonard asked, his patience drying up. "S'That why you been actin' so weird lately?" Spock took another step forward, invading his personal space and making him glare.

"Meld with me." Spock demanded, but then his features softened ever so slightly. "Please, Doctor." Leonard swallowed. Meld?

"Good God, man, just tell me what we fought about and be done with it!" Leonard said, walking away from the Vulcan. He was starting to feel really nervous about the whole situation. He didn't know why, but he felt a sense of impending doom.

"McCoy." Spock said, and Leonard swallowed again. He didn't want to make the man angry, but he didn't wanna touch minds with the guy either. "I merely wish to show you memories." Spock said quietly, as if sensing Leonard's doubts. Man must've been a mind reader or something. Damn Vulcans and their voodoo. He sighed.

"Fine. Do it." Leonard said, and Spock stepped in front of him. The Vulcan placed his fingers on the appropriate places, and spoke.

"My mind to your mind,"

'My thoughts to your thoughts.'

Then, Leonard watched as it all played out for him like a movie, only it was all in Spock's point of view. He saw himself, drunk beyond compare, stumbling along to his room with Spock's help. Then he started feeling. The room was dark. He felt what Spock felt, and watched his silhouette touch him and pull at his clothes. He watched the rough, violent, and dirty sex that played out before him. He had Spock's perception of time, and saw just how long the events played out for. In the end, he saw himself sleeping, and Spock left no trace of him being there before he left.

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