One ♔ The Queen

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Whisking through the berried and whispering timberland, a glistening obsidian vehicle rode on rings of white gravel that coiled a dark-soiled mountain.

Upon the grand mount was a kingly structure, like a castle of limestone and cobalt blocks. The towers brushed the diamond skies, solid and proud. Everything about East Silver Academy exuded an intoxicating elegant grace.

It was idyllic for a virtuoso like Aurora Valentine, only the most dominant leader in the field, a charismatic that made it her duty to conquer the world by storm.

The vehicle parked by the border of the fenced entrance grounds that overlooked the enchanting woods. Uniformed and flawlessly poised, the chauffeur stepped out and rounded the vehicle to open the door for the princess, Rory.

Slowly turning, she breathed in her new environment. It smelt of pine and earth and intimidation. Just lovely.

Taking her luggage in one hand, Godfrey lugging the rest, she ran a hand across her deep blue skirt. A man, the size of a small boulder, descended from the shotgun in a black pin suit and a shiny Bluetooth clipped around his ear.

"This is my new home, father?" Rory huffed, knowing the answer already. She just wanted confirmation.

Ezra Valentine nodded and cracked a proud smile. He was a very handsome man with dark skin and eyes the color of sparkling champagne Rory silently adored. Her father was an impeccable business tycoon. His savvy reached the ears of many across the nation. Rory aspired to follow in his fierce footsteps one day - and surpass him.

"Now, Aurora. Don't look down on this place. It's highly esteemed. Take it easy on the other kids, do you hear me?" Ezra questioned. Though his voice was light, his deep undertone was firm.

But that didn't scare Rory. Instead, she wore her boldest stare. "If there aren't any storm clouds how would someone possibly know of an oncoming hurricane, father?"

For a moment, the daughter and father fought for supremacy but to Ezra Valentine's misfortune, his child was as headstrong as his beautiful but hotheaded wife.

"Be a good girl, Rory. I've arranged for Godfrey to be stationed near the school in case you are in need of anything." With a nod to the white-haired driver, Ezra took his seat in the car. "I'll call you once you're settled. Make me proud, princess."

"Always." Rory promised, leaning in to kiss her father goodbye.

Sighing, she spun on her heels and too an official sweep of the school. Only girls ascended the marble steps, only girls brushed their hair and reapplied their lipstick. Same-sex schools are a painful battlefield. Especially for only females, where Rory would have to conquer scheming thwarts in designer bras and vanilla perfume.

"I'll take good care of you, Miss Aurora." Godfrey assured her, bowing respectfully low.

Rory inclined her head graciously. "Thank you, Godfrey. Shall we?"

Whipping out her bejeweled phone, Rory sashayed towards the entrance, her leather bag swinging from her arm. On the white screen, she verified her boarding information. Even engaged in her phone, she perfectly navigated down the hallway, curving around "obstructions" and halting when someone crossed her path.

All the while, as she walked, eyes were drawn to her like a moth to a flame, like loadstone to a magnet. Silky ebony bounced in her ponytail on her erect back, her long creamy legs strutting elegantly. Her lips were like rose petals and her eyes like molten amber. It was undeniable, Rory was stunning.

Finally, Rory stopped suddenly at the clothed admissions table right after a girl had squirmed away. The blonde haired lady behind the desk jerked visibly, caught entirely off guard.

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