Four ♔ Kiss and Tell

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The following Friday night and all the girls of the Junior year division in their soft, silky nightgowns huddled in the Commons, passing around bowls of buttery popcorn and lemon cupcakes.

More than once, two girls surveyed the halls for any stealthy boys creeping around, attempting to spy on them all night.

Rory, not for any heroic reasons, had always been the other half of the pair. It gave her an excuse to use the baseball bat. Come out, bastards. She had thought deviously as they patrolled corridors and bombarded hallways. Perverts need justice, did they not? And unfortunately for them, Rory was a sadistic disciplinarian.

When they were certain the floor was clear for the fourth time, the party began. The teachers already knew of the sleepover so they were free to let loose.

Kiki, a brilliant Raven-haired girl whose father owned a gaming company, rented out a premium television set, stocked with new arrivals of video games.

Mariana, a girl who wore makeup everyday, made a makeshift station in one of the corners and did the girl's makeup.

Bhavani, a voluptuous cat-eyed girl, coordinated a dancing circle where other girls mimed her eccentric dancing.

Meanwhile, Rory hosted a must-play game held at every sleepover. It was an unspoken tradition amongst girls that usually ended in heartbreak, tears and broken bones. But absolutely nobody could resist the heat of truth or dare.

"Liana, it's your turn." Rory said once the beer bottle had stopped in from of the yellow-haired teenager. Quirking her eyebrows suggestively, Rory grinned. "Truth or dare?"

Liana giggled, searching everyone's leering faces for an answer and shrugged. "Dare."

Poor girl. Too bad for her, Rory was ruthless. "I dare you to . . . scream you're wearing a lingerie from the terrace that faces the boy's wing."

The girls erupted into laughter as Liana turned pink, until she broadened her shoulders and pranced out the room. "Brave one, she is." Rory admitted with big eyes before spinning the bottle again. "Ooh, it's Aspen. Truth or dare, love?"

"Dare." Aspen snapped immediately.

Rory beamed with pride. "I dare you to pour ice cold water down Jessica's back."

Aspen snickered evilly before darting to the refrigerator to grab a water bottle. It was more of indirect revenge. Rory despised Jessica. One day, during lunch, she caught her eyeing her, green gems of jealousy bored into the brat's brown eyes. 

In exactly thirty seconds, a scream split through the air as Jessica jumped up, drenched and dripping, and started chasing Aspen around in circles. Aspen cackled throughout the chase.

Rory and the ring hollered and cheered her on until someone who had been lurking around their game finally decided to join them, plopping into an empty space.

"Can I join?" Lydia inquired, her statement for like an announcement than a question. Rory shrugged, brushing her off easily as she gave out more dares and poked tricky questions.

"Rory," Lydia spoke again. Rory rolled her eyes. Did she ever stop talking? "Don't you think you should let someone else to be the game master?" 

"No, it's alright." A short girl piped up, two people down from Rory's left. "Rory's awesome."

Rory's hand flew up to her chest, touched. "Bless you child," Then, locking eyes with Lydia, her eyes froze to ice. "But I'll let go for now. Surely after I give you a truth or dare, right, Lydia?"

The Pretty Games (#WATTYS2016)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें