I ran out of the park, and down the sidewalk. I kept running until my lungs felt like they were on fire. There was a gas station, so I ran inside. I looked out the window, watching for Jeff. I saw him, and he walked by, not seeing me. I left the gas station, and ran the opposite way that Jeff went.

I ended up going back to the park. I didn't have my phone. The whole reason my parents had put us in pairs was so we wouldn't get lost. And being without Jeff was already a little risky since he didn't have his phone either. But I wasn't about to go get myself lost without a phone and without my brother!

I walked a few feet into the woods. I sat down behind a giant tree, watching for Jeff.


Jeff POV

I looked at my watch. We have 5 minutes before we need to be at the restaurant. And there's still no sign of Riker anywhere. I was across the road from the restaurant right now, and I saw the rest of our family, standing outside, waiting for us to get there. Obviously, Riker wasn't there with them.

I walked away so I could think a little without risking being seen without Riker.

What do I even do? We were put in pairs to be safe. And I lost my twin!

More importantly, I was scared he was going to try doing something to himself after yesterday. And if something happened to him because I wasn't there, I don't know how I could live with myself...

I walked back to the park, not knowing where else to go. By the time I got there, I was supposed to be at the restaurant.

I sat on a swing, scared that he was lost... I don't know what to do! Normally, I can be calm in these situations, but now I'm not! I'm starting to freak out!

"Did I win yet?"

I turned around, and Riker was standing about 10 feet from me.

"Oh my god, yes, you won! Thank god you're ok!"

I jumped up, and hugged him as tight as I possibly could.

After I pulled away, Riker looked confused.

"Riker, if we'd gotten caught like... without each other, we would've been in trouble!"

"I know. I didn't want to get lost, so I came back here after losing you."

I sighed in relief.

"Come on. We're late!"

I grabbed Riker's arm, and we started running towards the restaurant. When we finally got there, our parents and siblings looked kind of annoyed.

"Sorry... We're late... We ran... from the park..." I said, out of breath.

Dad led us all inside. We got seated around a table, and then we ordered our dinners.

Throughout dinner, Riker didn't really say anything. He only spoke when he ordered his food and drink.

Riker was sitting next to me, barely eating anything. He kept pushing stuff around with his fork, and stirring his water with his straw.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Riker said, getting up.

I didn't trust him. He's faking.

"So am I," I said, getting up, and following him.

Once we were in the bathroom, I grabbed his arm, and pulled him over to the sinks. The bathroom was empty, lucky for us.

"What are you planning on doing? Why aren't you eating?" I asked.

"I don't feel good. I haven't felt good for days now."

"Well what were you planning on doing in here? Hurting yourself?"

"Um... No?"

"Then what?"

"Going to the bathroom...?"

"Oh... Really? Or are you lying?"

"No, I have to go."

"Oh... Well in that case, I'll see you back at the table."

"Wait! Then why'd you come in here?"

"I thought you were lying, and were going to hurt yourself or something!"


"Riker, last night! Duh!"

"Oh... Right..."

"I just didn't want anything to happen to you."

Riker turned, and locked himself in a bathroom stall. I left the bathrooms, and sat down at our table again.

"Where's Riker?" Mom asked.

"In the bathroom."

"Why aren't you with him?"

"Because I finished first?"

"You could've waited for him."

I rolled my eyes.

"Do not roll your eyes at me, Jeffery Simon Lynch."

"Sorry, mom."

Riker came back and sat next to me. He didn't really eat much more of his dinner. Mom made him get a box so he could take it home.

We got in the back of the van. I was next to Riker again. And we went back to the cabin.

By now it was pretty late, so mom made us go to bed. I changed into my pajamas, and so did Riker. We got into our beds next to each other after I shut off the lights.



I felt Riker's arm go across my middle, and he sighed.

"Thanks..." Riker said, quietly.

I put my arm around Riker.

"For what?"

Riker sighed again.

"I don't know... Stopping me from hurting myself... And stuff..."

I smiled.

"You're welcome."

Riker pulled away, and rolled over. I fell asleep before I heard his snores.

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