~Chapter 10~

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I watch Nixon while he stands his ground, guarding the exit like all the other guards who switched out before. His face is focused and serious, unlike anything I've seen cross his face.
Aavet studies the menu some more as I glide over to where Nixon stands. I gulp at how much Nixon's attitude has changed within only 7 hours. He went to his Celebration of Graduation and when he comes back... he is unrecognizable.
"Nixon. Um, can I talk to you? Privately?" I ask.
He nods formally, just as stiff as a robot, and we step outside the hall and into the dazzling night. I turn to face him, placing my hands on my hips in disgust at how he is acting with me.
He sighs heavily,"I am sorry of how I acted back there, but my Celebration of Graduation ceremony also handed us an occupation in our work force. As you have already guessed, I am a NEW EARTH LEADER protector."
My hands fall from my hips at his explanation."Alright I can understand that. All you wanted to do was follow through with your job."
"Yes, of course. Why would I want to hurt my friend?"
"Oh, now I'm your friend?" I sarcastically reply.
We both laugh at my off-topic sarcasm, but then he returns serious again.
"So... what did you want to talk about?"
I slide my hand over my hair and decide to just spit out what has been locked up inside me since this morning. "You're probably going to make fun of me for this but," I nervously smile before saying," Where did you get that seed from?"
His jaw line tightens and his eyes grow cold as ice. Now this look, is definitely not the Nixon I know. He notices my intense stare and slightly shakes off his reaction.
An almost silent laugh spouts from within him before saying,"That seed? I know what you are probably thinking right now, but that seed is not from earth. It is a Quar tree seed."
I don't understand. Sure, I may not be an "expert" in botany but with my studying of all earth things within the past years and being from earth, I'm pretty damn sure that that seed is a maple tree. As he composes himself after a small fit of laughter, his face turns stern and serious once more. He must be lying, and if he is, why?
The night seeps through my open window as the Zaul sun takes its nightly rest. I sit at my desk with my work lamplight illuminating the maple tree seed in my mature but innocent hands. My mind is jumbled, my eyes droopy from exaustion, my thoughts won't shut up, and a war of emotions are pounding into my sleep deprived brain.
Ever since I've spoken to Nixon early tonight, I couldn't stop the questions of if earth was truly still... there. For all I know the Ender disease could have been fake. Alexa could still be alive. My friends... but I'm getting ahead of myself. I witnessed my mother and father pass and I saw the newspaper article with my own two eyes. In the streets people would just simply collapse and seize, and eventually we clued in that we could die. Just. Like. That. I lived the end and no way in hell is it possible that earth, and every living thing on it, is still alive.
Other than the seed, my mind swirls and panics about tomorrow and The Pairing ceremony. At the age I am at today, on earth I wouldn't be excepted to find my soul mate but here on Zaul, as a Human - Xileon, the one person I will love and live with will be chosen for me... tomorrow. What if I don't like him? Could we really and truly fall in... in love?
I jump from my seat as a knock arouses me from daze. Composing myself, I make my way to the front door of my dwelling. When I turn the knob and swing open the door, Aavet stands on her toes with a childish grin among her features.
After just two seconds of opening the door she immediately sparks into a conversation,"Well, can I come in?"
I shake my head and respond,"Uh, yeah. Of course."
She sashes in like an elegant dancer. I smirk at her giddiness but cross my arms against my chest as I wonder why she's here at such an odd hour.
"What are you doing here Aavet?" I ask.
"Ok, I know it's late but I just can not sleep," she says chirping.
"Let me guess, you're so excited for The Pairing ceremony tomorrow? Am I right?"
She nods with the same girly grin plastered in place. Of course. The Pairing ceremony. All the other girls talk about it like it's life changing or the most memorable event of their lives. Have they forgotten about Ender and the death of everyone, everything that lived on earth? That to me, is the most memorable event of my life. Don't get me wrong, I adore Aavet, but within these three years of acquaintance she has changed.
"Well aren't you?"
"Well, I haven't exactly had enough time to process so no, not really."
She sighs,"I didn't know you didn't know, ok? I would have told you but... I don't know."
"It's ok, really."
After an hour and a half of exchanged laughs and plain old gossip, Aavet sees herself out and I make my way to bed. As I lay in bed, I drift into a deep sleep with my thoughts turning into my nightmares.
Tomorrow will bring something different and I know it.

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