Camila Cabello:
Just seems like we left things off really awkwardly.

Lauren Jauregui:
Yeah... This morning was a mistake. I think we went a little too far.

Camila Cabello:
You're right. I shouldn't have pushed you to turn around and I shouldn't have asked to.. you know. Really sorry about that.

Lauren Jauregui:
It wasn't all your fault, I shouldn't have agreed. I just don't want to get all delusional with the camren thing.

Camila Cabello:
You know I've been thinking, maybe that's why it was so weird for us and different compared to the other girls. They get shipped with each other, but you and I? We get shipped extra romantically and sexually. We felt like we were in a spectacle and let that affect everything this morning. Maybe we were noticing something that was never there, because we already had the idea stuck in our heads because of camren.

Lauren Jauregui:
You're right! That makes perfect sense.

Camila Cabello:
Exactly. So we're okay?

Lauren Jauregui:
Totally. See you when we get back.

She placed her phone back in her purse feeling like the weight on her shoulders was finally gone. Camila was totally right. She was freaking out over nothing. With a smile, she turned back to Normani who was checking her twitter.

"So how's your day going ma'am?"

Normani put her phone down with a smile and turned to Lauren. "Guess who fav'd my tweet?"

"Who girl?!"


As Lauren and Normani talked about Rihanna's new album, their own new album 7/27, and gossip from their hometown, they finally arrived to their temporary home, the tour bus.

"Hey everyone," they both greeted as they entered.

Luckily their crew got a separate tour bus. Although the girls adored them, it was nice just being the five of them in the bus. Dinah and Ally were sitting on the couch eating sandwiches while watching a movie, meanwhile Camila was sitting on the small table eating a bowl of cereal. Once their eyes met, Lauren felt that weird tension again in the back of her neck, but she managed to smile politely.

Grabbing a bowl once she heard her stomach growl from skipping breakfast, she added fruity pebbles and poured some almond milk. She was going to sit on the couch, but realized that Dinah had stretched her legs out, leaving no room for anyone to join. Walking regretfully, she placed her bowl down on the table across from Camila.

Camila looked up in surprise from her phone, but left it aside once Lauren sat down.

"Nice day, huh?" Camila asked as Lauren began eating. Camila wanted to slap herself. Had it really gotten to the point that they had to talk about weather because it was so uncomfortable? 

"Uh, yeah." Lauren nodded awkwardly. "Really nice day."

She watched as Lauren continued eating. She was keeping her head down as she ate to refuse eye contact. Camila was grateful for that because it gave her a few seconds to stare at the girl across from her. It was weird, there was so many things about Lauren she hadn't noticed before. She had a few very visible freckles on her rosy cheeks and her lips were very plump. She had such nice eyelashes as well. She also saw that Lauren had a little eyebrow twitch when she was focused on something. As she studied her, she noticed Lauren kept craning her head to look at the TV behind her.

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