Nurse y/n-evan

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I woke up to the movement on the bed of Evan rolling over, my eyes still closed but I was awake.

I felt him suddenly jump out of bed and running to the bathroom. I sat up and looked at the time 5:49 I listened out for a minute, a little bit frightened. then i heard evan puking in the toilet.

That doesn't sound good. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, as hearing him retch into the toilet got louder and knocked on the door delicately,

"Are you ok love?" I asked in a small voice,

"Im ok" A desperate voice replied. He didn't sound good.

"Can i come in" I asked waiting for a responce.

He didnt answer, I decided to enter the room anyway just to make sure he was okay.

i opened the door to see him crouched over with his head in the toilet. i crouched down beside him and placed his hand on his back. He was hot to the touch with beads of sweat running down it.

Puke, blood and stuff like that didnt bother me so i was able to tolerate this. Evan was so pale and he was sweating like crazy, i moved the damp hair from his face and flushed the chain every so often, cleaning out the vomit.

"Do you feel hot or cold" I asked as i placed the back of my hand on his forehead.

"Both" he could only whisper in response,

"Oh baby I can feel you shaking" my face became saddened.

"I can't stop" He said holdiing his hand out, it wouldnt stay still.

"Some sort of fever, maybe food poisoning"  I guessed as i flushed the chain once more.

I helped him stand up as he finished unloading his stomach. he groaned and winced in pain, i helped him to our bedroom and sat him on my bed, and took his shirt off that was soaked in sweat and helped him lay down.

I went over to my dressing table to look at my phone and kept looking back at evan every so often. I didn't want to fall asleep straight away incase he needed me.

I looked back at him after a few moments in my phone. he was shaking like a new born puppy and whimpering in his sleep, then he started to cry a little, he must be really ill i have never seen him cry like that.

I walked over to him and shook his shoulder really gentally, he opened his eyes,

"Your crying, are you ok" He shook his head, I placed my hand on his cheek.

"Hold on" I said, i went downstairs to the kitchen to find some tablets and a glass of water then went beck upstairs,

"Here this will make you better" I said, after he took the tablets, i got into bed with him, i held him so close to me, his head in my chest and kissing his head and running my hand through his hair,

"Its ok, im here for you babe" I cooed in his ear untill he drifted off in my arms, i hated seeing him like this.

Evan peters imagines and prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now