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COME ON GUYS!! We've dropped back to #91!!!! (Pretty saddening stuff) PLEASE, LETS VOTE AND SHARE

I'm almost in the middle of a heart attack, the author of Twenty Fifty Six, followed me today, and call me mad, but this a bloomin honour. Have you SEEN her works!!! Holy Carrots! 

Who wants ta dance!!!! I know I doooooo!!! Why don't people love me yet? I'm so cool.....
"Coz nobady likes uuu!!" *throws tomato at my face while I cry* tut tut tut, haters gonna hate.
Dedicated to FireCutie96, for just being someone to talk to on wattpad, and for supporting the book.  thanks babes


I turned on the small rusty tap in my cell. The water was freezing, and I thought about backing out, but I was too smelly to stop. I cupped my hands underneath the tap, filling my hands with water. I splashed it on my face and shuddered, crying as I laughed. "I don't want to do it" I moaned, taking off my top. Dave grumbled. "I'm not that bad" I protested, moving my shoulder as close to my tummy as possible. "Smell me" he rumbled again, and I nodded my head sighing. "I guess maybe I am, but feel it, the water is freezing!" No rumble response. Silent treatment huh? 

I took off my black tights and underwear, and filled my hands again, yelping every time the cold hit me. I'd never once thought I'd be here, naked on the ship of my enemies, bathing in the cold water of a sink. I began to chuckle, which quickly escalated into a laugh. I couldn't stop laughing as I jumped from all the cold splashes. Dave joined in, grumbling for food as I laughed, causing me so much pain in my stomach but I didn't care. For the first time since I'd boarded The Valerie, I was laughing. 


"You know, I usually I have to work before girls get naked for me" 

I picked my head up, rolling my eyes when I saw Tyler. "That still stands true" I commented, throwing my damp shirt over my head. 

Nobody had ever seen me with my pajamas on, never mind without a top, and I expected myself to be nervous, instead, I was calm, like I was always nude. He chuckled, biting his lip. "Really?" I nodded my head, and threw the red duvet over me. The duvet, despite being the worst of my enemies at some point, had become me and Dave's best friend. 

"Hey" I said as he pulled the metal box to the bars. "Yeah?" he asked, taking a seat. 

"When are you going to feed us?" He raised a perfectly groomed brow and I felt little nervous bubbles in my tummy. "Yeah, me and Dave" he seemed scared at first, like I'd somehow sneaked someone else into my cell. "My tum" I pointed to the little bump of rumble. As if on cue, Dave growled. Tyler laughed like it was the funniest thing ever. 

He thought I was funny? That was a first. He turned and pulled something out of his pocket, the foil shining in the cell's dim lights. "I'll feed you right about now" he said, handing me a small packet. Little pictures of bright red berries decorated the packet and I nodded, opening it and shoving the berry bar into my mouth. It tasted amazing. The most delicious thing I'd ever had. "Wow, thanks" I mumbled, and I patted Dave. 

Tyler smiled, and opened up the cell, slowly creeping inside to sit by me. 

"It's cozy here" he said, stretching himself out on my bed. I rolled my eyes. It most certainly wasn't. When it was cold, it was really cold, and when it was hot, you melted. I couldn't keep up with those temperatures. "You're only saying that because it's your ship" I snapped, leaning back against the warm of the geyser pipes. He patted my hand. "Well, at least you got Dave" 

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