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So, you decided to read huh? I think I love you. Read, please do. xxxx

Dedicated to my lovely real-life best friend, who (even though she doesn't really like sci-fi) I know for a fact that she always has my back. Luh ya boo. 

Emily POV

"You can't trust them Emily" 

I nodded my head, listening to every word. His face was starting to scare me, and I felt like I should run, but if anything were to happen to him, I would have to run the ship on my own. Everything he said, I had to take seriously. 

"They will use you for their own benefits, and then kill you!"

He was beyond yelling now. Veins popped up on this forehead, and I could see the hatred he had for them in his eyes. The Valerie's are evil. They didn't deserve respect, especially for the inhumane things they do to people. 

I suppressed the shiver that ran down my spine. Honestly, I was scared. Of everything. Of The Valerie's, in their huge red ship, decorated with large weapons, I was scared of being the leader of The Order one day. I wasn't strong enough. I was scared of facing everything on my own one day. 

"Stay away from them, Emily. At.all.costs." 

I nodded my head. 

"Yes.... father" 

I stood up slowly, getting up from my knees which were becoming sore.

Suddenly I fell to the floor with a jolt of the ship. The ship shook once more, throwing my kneeling body off balance. I yelled out a help before falling to the floor. The Order was under attack. Blue lights lit up all across the small room, and oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling, covering my view of the door. Everything looked blue. No red, it wasn't allowed on the ship. 

I stood up, wiping the small cut on my leg. My father was already out of the room, probably already briefing the soldiers. Obviously, we were under attack. I crept out the door, peeping through a small window outside my ship. Outside was a huge wall of red. The paint peeled off a bit, and right in front of me was a gun. The Valerie. I breathed in a quick breath, and glanced quickly around the wide hall. Nobody was here. They made it to the bunker, but I was too late, and too far down the ship to make it there without being seen. 

If they find you, they will not hesitate to kill you. My father's words rung in my head. Word's I'd heard way too often for my liking. 

I breathed in slowly, before taking another quick look at The Valerie. I hardly got to see red, and call me crazy, but the ship fascinated me. It was beautiful, in a come within a mile and we'll kill you, kind of way. But beautiful none the less. 

I snapped around. 

I heard a click, a gun. 

I ducked, behind the closest wall, and slowed my breathing. 

They will kill you

I shook my head, and took a peep around the corner, A person. Their back was faced towards me, with short dark hair and bulky red armor. He was male. If there was anything I knew about The Valerie, was that they only sent their men to war. My breath caught as he loaded the gun with small silver pellets, no doubt it was the voltage kind. 

"No sign of prisoners down here" A deep voice spoke. Heavy steps walked into the hall. "They must keep their scum higher up." I took a slow breath. Careful not to make noise as I watched carefully. 

"It's rude to eavesdrop, you know" a rougher voice spoke, throwing their hands over my mouth so I couldn't scream. I still tried. I threw my legs about, trying to kick him. I have to get away. 

I have to escape. I scanned all possible exits. All exits must have more of them coming. I tried another scream, to no success. "What was that?" the man with the rough voice asked, pressing his strong muscular fingers harder onto my mouth. He pressed his other arm against my collar bones, almost crushing them in the process. I screamed once more because of the pain. My neck began to heat up and I felt warm little tears trickle down my face. The man walked with me to the other two guys, and I could just see him smiling. "Look what I found?" he laughed, chucking me to the floor. I breathed in as much as I could, ignoring the pain in my chest. 

"Well isn't she precious?" one of them spoke, he was long but bulky, and the difference between him and the others was obvious. His hair and eyes were lighter, signaling that he was of different decent than the other two. He had a strong but long jaw, and eyes that made you fear him. The other two laughed, and I took the chance to scream. "Father! help!" I managed before I was held up against a wall, neck being chocked  by the youngest of the three. "Don't. do that again" he whispered dangerously, and I cried, nodding my head. But I wasn't keeping my promise. I had to get away from them. 

"You're a good girl right?" the long one spoke, and I nodded my head, starting to feel my lungs burn. I needed. to . breathe. The rough one laughed, his scared face made even laughing seem scary. "You won't misbehave for us?" the young one spoke, one eyebrow raised. If I had my breath, it wouldn't be working right. He was godly. I nodded my head even more furiously than before, desperate for a chance to breathe. At this point, I'd do anything. My head was starting to spin, and If they finally let me breathe, I might even obey them. Right now, air was precious. 

I felt a coughing fit, but he squeezed harder on my neck before letting go. I sucked in the largest gulp of air ever, before being slung over his shoulder. 

Where he was taking me, I didn't know, and I wasn't sure I cared until we walked straight into the blinding light of my father's office. He stood there, and his face was set in stone, like it always was. 

"Father!" I chocked out before being thrown to the ground. I heard a bone click and I cried in pain. I coughed more through the tears. "Say goodbye, Order" the young one laughed, pulling on my arm. My father tried to lunge forward, but before he could grasp my hand that I stretched out, The Valerie floated away, and the Order's door closed shut, filling the ship with another burst of oxygen. The Valerie's glass door shut, closing me away from any chance I had of being thrown back home. 

I was stuck on my worst fear. The nightmare's I'd had so many times before had come true. But now, I wasn't afraid. I was numb. I couldn't feel anything, even the pain of my twisted arm, or the burn in my chest and lungs. I stared into space as The Valerie floated away, and The Order, my home, was left in the distance, a tiny blue dot, like the endless stars in the system. 

I watched silently, as I ignored the growing pain in my chest. Maybe I'd be lucky this time, and die. Maybe my heart would finally decide to do, what it had been threatening to and die on me. I wheezed in one more breath before my vision started to blur, and slowly, with each blink, it all turned to an endless sea of black. Funny how it looked like the system.


Okay, Okay, Okay, before I faint, what did you think of chapter one? Was it good? bad? Avarage? You tell me!!!!

You know, I got my mom and grandmom to read this, and it embarrased me to peices. I thought I'd never write again. xxxxxxxxx

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