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"So Mike, when did you start doing fashion poses?"

"Well, once I bought my , all-black-even-the-windows, car, I decided that I needed some colour in my kidnapping. So, I used the power of fashion and mysterious 'drinks' to lure kids to my car boot." *flips hair dramatically*

Weeeellllll. BEECOZ the last chapter wasn't a story chapter, I'm going to refresh your memory.





I pulled on her arm as her own long limbs struggled to keep up.
"Run!" I screamed at the top of my voice, once her legs caught my pace, we were running like the wind, but there was one problem, we were running forward. The ship was only so long, we couldn't run like this forever.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"How do you feel about stairs?"

I didn't wait for an answer before I pulled her arm into a sharp corner, through a small room and right to the noisy metal staircase. She yelled cuss words at me, but I didn't even pay attention as every nerve sparked with adrenaline. I jumped the stairs two at a time, pulling us lower and lower down the stairs until we reached the very last flight.

Quickly, I dipped into a corner to catch my breath. I wasn't a fast runner, and I hated exercise.

Jessica plopped herself down onto the floor, and buried her head into her long, super-soft palms. I looked up from my own little space, and watched everything around me. It was almost silent down here, the most abandoned part of the ship. It was an old dining hall sort of area, with little beige tiles on the floor, and a small dirty kitchen. It was a mess, grey, dull and almost as scary as the dark hall.


I remembered almost every ghost story about this place, but as I grew up, all the teenagers snuck off onto the spiral staircase to make out. I remembered the time we all came to the staircase to play dares, and I ran away once Lucas kissed Anna, a ditsy blonde girl with the same eyes as me, but a much thinner, more athletic body.

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