Nether: The Battle

Start from the beginning

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?!" Endie asked-with her eyes having a shade of purple of the corners-and Herobrine grinned.

"Always so arrogant, Endie." Herobrine said under his breath but it was loud enough for Endie to hear. Endie punched Herobrine to a wall and Wither began beating Herobrine up.

"That's for what you did!" Wither said as she landed a punch to Herobrine's face. "And this! Is for what you did to all the mobs that suffered because of you!" Wither shouted as she threw thousands of Wither Heads at Herobrine. When she stopped, She took a deep breath. DC patted Endie and Wither's backs.

"Did we do it?" DC asked.

"Not yet... We just need enough time to rescue Bea. A battle with him is... well..." Wither said.

"Almost Impossible." Endie added. Herobrine's laugh filled the room.

"How Nice! You remember what I'm capable of!" Herobrine laughed and began walking towards the three mobs. "This is getting boring. Why not add some people to this battle." Herobrine said as he called pigmen and blazes. DC and Wither fought the pigmen and Endie fought the Blazes. Every attack of the blazes tickled Endie. Endie laughed as she fought the creatures. Then a pigman dared himself to attack the enderdragon. The pigman hit her and Endie glared at him. She kicked him out of the castle. Wither chuckled and the blazes and pigmen ran away.

"Yeah you better run!" Endie said and Wither just smiled at her.

"Wait where's Herobrine?" DC asked and a fire arrow pierced Wither's stomach. Wither gagged and Endie caught her.

"Ha! Fire arrows. I know your weaknesses!" Herobrine shouted and Wither held her wound. Endie was worried and DC shot arrows at Herobrine. Herobrine teleported in front of him and left a piece of steak. Endie shot fireballs at the teleporting Herobrine causing the castle to get scorch marks everywhere. Herobrine got a bucket of water and poured it over Endie's head. Herobrine looked at the mobs, who should be in pain right now, but he was the one to be worried. DC just picked up the steak and looked at it. Endie just splashed the water everywhere. Wither was just calm and had no emotion on her face.

"H-How?!" Herobrine asked with a bit of fear in his tone.

"Oh. I thought you knew everything about us." Wither said and Endie nodded. DC chuckled and Herobrine was, surprisingly, worried. He backed away and threw swords at the three mobs.

"What's wrong Herobrine? Scared?" DC taunted and Herobrine glared at him. Herobrine tried to punch DC but Wither interrupted his attack by holding his arm away from DC.

"Have you lost you're touch in destroying?" Endie asked as she held his chin up and gave him a grin. "I guess it's your turn to suffer, eh?" Endie said as she punched him all the way to the end of the room. The three mobs stood tall in front of Herobrine. They were confident and brave until an explosion came from the lab.


Cupa spawned TNT and told Will and Nat to take cover and protect Bea. When Cupa ignited it, Herobrine was ready for the explosion. He didn't have a single scratch on him. Will carried Bea and ran to the others. Nat and Cupa tried to stall Herobrine as they made their way to the others. When they met the others, two Herobrines were in the same room.

"What the heck is happening?" Endie asked and no one had a clue.

"BlazinRod! I told you to destroy them!" Herobrine shouted to the other Herobrine...?

Even I, the narrator, can't even tell who's who. Let's just call the Herobrine Endie, Wither and DC were fighting 'Herobrine' and the other Herobrine 'BlazinRod'. So... On with the story.

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