"You bitch!" She yelled.

I looked taken back. "Excuse me?"

"Aaron told me what you did."

"Look , I'm really sorry—"

"You're sorry?" She scoffed, "why don't you tell that to my dead grandmother when I tell her you are the reason that I lost her broach."

I shrugged, not knowing what to say. I felt awful but I can't turn back time and I had no idea who at Lincoln would have the broach; if they were smart they would have sold it by now, that shit can buy somebody a mansion.

The girl walked away and I was face with a dozen people glaring at me. I unlocked my locker again to grab the book and walked away like nothing was wrong.

I needed to find Sophia.

Asher's POV

"So what is the plan?" Jonah asked for the 100th time.

I sighed while rolling my eyes. "To forget about Kassandra." I drone. In my defensive, I'm totally over her even though I was never under her—I mean I was well on top of her. Okay, the bottom line is, Kassandra who.

I scan the room when my eyes landed on the girl at the bar.

"I'm going to the dance floor." Jonah announced. Big surprise.

"I'll be at the bar." I smirked. This should be fun.

I walked towards the bar and tapped on the girl's shoulder. Her eyes sparkle as she seen me. Not to brag but I get this a lot.

"Is someone sitting here?" I asked giving her my famous smile. For some reason, it always work.

She shook her head. "No."

I took a seat next to her and got a better view of what I have to work with. She was pretty, admittedly not prettier than Kassandra (totally over her) and she had a good body.

"Can I ask you something?" She nodded, "would you be mad if I called you a whore?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well," I sighed, "this girl I was sleeping with wanted something more and I turned her down and then I found out she was sleeping with someone else and she got mad when I called her a whore."

"Yes I would be mad." She replied.

"You don't think she was being a whore?" I asked.

"No because you guys weren't exclusive and I bet you slept around also."

I shrugged. "I guess."

"Well the biggest problem is," she said, "how are you going to deal with the fact that you are in love with her."

I spat the mouthful of beer in my mouth unto the floor. I looked at her like she had five heads. "In love with her?" I yelled, "are you insane?"

She shrugged. "You have strong feelings for her I can tell."

"Oh no," I laughed, "I am not in love with that preppy, annoying, privilege girl. I don't even know her that well."

"So get to know her and see how you feel."

I laughed. This chick is insane. I am not in love with Kassandra! I don't even like her enough to get to know her.

I mean that just insane—me liking Kassandra? Jonah is right, she's not my problem.


Next morning, I was on a mission.

I got out of bed and grabbed my boxers from the floor.

"Are you leaving already?" A high-pitched voice asked. I turned around and smile at the girl from the bar. Is it bad that I didn't care enough to ask for her name?

"Yeah," I said, "I got to get to school."

"School?" She raised an eyebrow, "oh, you mean college."

I ignore her and continued to get dress. Without saying anything, I left. I couldn't help myself by sleeping with her but like I said before, I was on a mission.

I got in my car and drove home. I had to get the stench of her off of me. As soon as I got home, I took a shower then texted Jonah about my plan. He wasn't exactly thrilled but he was willing to help.

Afterwards, I hopped inside my car again and drove off to my destination.

I parked in front of the school. I hated being here because it brought back bad memories but I got to do what I got to do.

I was waiting for awhile and then I seen her. I was taken back by her blond hair but it looked really good on her. Honestly, she could make clown hair look good on her.

She walked towards me. "Hey." I smiled.

"Hello." She replied, "What are you doing here?" That's a good question.

I shrugged. "I'm here to get to know you."

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