Chapter 8

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Dear blond bitch,

Ignore the above name, a force of habit. Okay I will play your little game. I do not care if you should have told Sophia or not, it's just a stupid party. My hobbies? Well if I had to choose I would say watching TV, laying down on my couch, and going to strip clubs. My likes? Fucking the shit out of girls. My dislikes? Not fucking the shit out of girls. Do I have a girlfriend? See previous answer. Is she pretty? Also, see previous answer. What do I look like? No comment. What is my best friend like? He's actually pretty cool.

P.s. Happy?

P.p.s. Nice touch on the gas thing. Now our hot but super dumb secretary is on suspended leave because apparently the school doesn't run on gas.

P.p.p.s yes I did fuck the shit out of that secretary.

- Asher


Dear Asher,

Seriously? Okay fine be that way. Do you want to know anything about me?



Dear K.L, 

As of matter of fact, I do. So what is your boob size? How about your favorite sex position? Have you ever had a threesome? If so, explain in details.




Why would I tell you anything? Okay fine you win. My boob size is 36C. Favorite sex position I would have to say missionary. I won't even bother answering the last question.




See that wasn't so hard. I picture you in my head about a hundred times and you are pretty hot. I don't really like preppy girls though.



Dear jackass,

What is wrong with preppy girls?


Two weeks later

Is was just a simple question but I haven't heard from him in two weeks and I was getting aggravated. Every time Mr. Louis would pass out the letters, I would never get one.

Maybe I shouldn't make a big deal out of it. I don't even know why I even like to talk to him in the first place since he sounded like a complete psychopath.

I was once again in English class and Mr. Louis was about to pass back out letters. I inhaled a deep breath and tried to calm my beating heart.

Mr. Louis came closer and placed a letter on Sophia's desk. She rolled her eyes as she didn't even bother to open it up.

Surprisingly, he placed a white envelope on top of my desk. I reached out and snatched the letter and ripped it open.

Dear Kassandra,

I know you’re wondering why I haven't replied to you but it's a long story. To save myself from a long list of questions, I will tell you what happened. You may be shook to hear this but I am on probation. So I went to the bar over the weekend and I see this hot girl and I felt that it was my duty to go over to her and tell her how hot she is and go back to her place and show her a good time. The plan was going well until her boyfriend decides to come up to me and punch me in the nose. The officers didn't believe my self-defense excuse so they arrested me and since I was on probation, they locked me up. I would have been out sooner but my mom didn't have enough of the bail money and she had to strip more to earn more money. Yes my mother is a stripper. Anyways, I can’t deny the fact that for some reason I want to meet you in person. Are you down?






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