Chapter 10

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The morning light shone through my large whole wall window as I woke up early on Sunday morning. A small smile spread across my face as I realized it was still the weekend. 

I got my phone out as I usually do and checked twitter, no one here knew that I had twitter, I guess you cant just bring it up in a conversation. I was pretty proud of my followers; 5,000. I checked what was trending as normal, the first few things weren’t in english, so I skipped down to the bottom of the column. #DontbesadLuke was trending, I clicked on it and saw the thousands of tweets by fan pages, I read the top 3 tweets aloud to myself;

@Lukeslipring: #dontbesadLuke us Janoskianators love you

@janoskiandirection: @Luke_brooks Luke please dont be sad ok? You make me smile, so if ur not smiling im not. I love u, everything will be okay #dontbesadLuke. 

Me being nosy, opened the photo. I gasped as I saw a photo of Luke pulling a really weird face. Luke as in Luke brooks. Luke next door. 

I clicked the tag that lead me straight to profile. His last tweet was a few days ago:

@luke_brooks: #donewithgirls

Somehow I felt as if it was all my fault, well it was all my fault that he was down. I was still in shock though, how he managed to have 1 million followers. I guess he’s famous. I started to tweet him a few times:

@Alex_Lx: @luke_brooks #dontbesadluke #donewithboys too ;)

@Alex_Lx: @luke_brooks #dontbesadluke how could anyone turn you down? your friggen perfect. 

@Alex_Lx: @Luke_brooks #dontbesadluke I love you. 

I knew he would never read them, so I wasn't afraid to throw the last one in, what difference would it make, he doesn't even know I have twitter. 

Eventually I managed to pull myself out of my cosy bed and slowly towards the bathroom, untangling the hair tie that was in it all night holding it in a messy up-do. I stared at myself in the mirror, I looked horrible. I know I was going out with Cole today, but my heart was set on Luke. Sure Cole was hot and everything but he wasn't Luke brooks.

We were just going for coffee so it wasn't anything fancy. I slipped out the pajamas I was wearing and threw on the clothes that I had picked for today( 

I hopped down the stairs and into the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks to find a strange, half naked boy pouring a bowl of cereal. 

“Hello?” I asked, wondering who he was and what he was doing in my house.

“Yes?” He replied in a aussie accent. 

“Who are you?” I asked politely as possible in the morning. 

“Who are you and what are you doing in my house?” He replied bluntly facing the cupboards still. 

“I’m Alex and I don’t know whether anyone told you but I live here now”I explained rudely. 

“Piss off. You cant just come and live in someones house because you wish too, your dad should be aloud to, its not his family he's just some cunt that is suddenly inviting everyone to live with us” He said raising his voice, I was hurt by it. 

“First of all, my dad left ‘me’ and my mum, to come and live with you, he didn't even bother contacting us for years. Secondly, I wasn't invited, I was forced. So shut the fuck up” I said in the same tone that he used. 

He slowly turned around to face me. He had big sleep deprived eyes, accompanied by a leering smile. “So Im wrong now am I, pretty girl?” He said walking towards me pounding his fist into his other hand. I instantly regretted saying anything. 

“Im sorry but its not my f-” I was cut off by my dad hurrying down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

“Morning” He said to  he said to Ryan. I sent him a death glare before grabbing an apple and leaving the house. I was meeting cole at 11 in Starbucks, at the moment it was 10:37. 


“Alex!” Cole said standing up from his seat and pulling me into a hug.

 “Hey!” I replied taking a seat at the table he was sitting at. 

“So how are you liking penola so far?” 

“Its.... alright, if schools can be alright, you?” I said, he chuckled slightly. 

“Well im happy, I have my friends and stuff” 

We talked for about an hour, he was actually really great, even if he did hit on me quite a lot. 

“would you like me to walk you home?” He asked, I was about to reply when my phone buzzed. 

“One sec” I got my phone out, it was only twitter. But I read it anyway, 

@Luke_Brooks: @Alex_Lx my biggest fan <3 ur not done with me I hope ;)

Crap. That means he was reading my tweets. I felt my cheeks burning bright red. I completely forgot that Cole was watching me. 

“Sorry, shall we go?” I said, he shot me a quick smile before taking my arm.


“So are you single?” He asked after a few minutes of walking. Okay so it might be a bit weird him bringing this up, but if I said yes he might think of asking me out, but then Luke might get mad, but if I said no then he will want to know who im dating. 

“Umm... no” I said awkwardly. Fuck. Why did I say that. 

“So who are you dating then?” He asked smirking, as if he knew I was lying. “You can meet him if you want?” I said proving  him wrong. 

“Sure.” It actually hit me, where am I going to find a boyfriend inbetween the way home. I wont. Thats where. 

“Okay let me just text him to say to meet at my house.” I instantly got my phone and searched through my contacts looking for someone to be my boyfriend.

There were only 3 people who I knew that would be willing to do it. Beau, Luke and Jai.

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