"Thank you," Yugi grinned.

"You are welcome, Yugi. I will see you later!" Ryou waved. Yugi reached his hand out of the water and waved it at Ryou sending water droplets scattering over his pale chest and stomach.

Silence returned to the beach when Yugi was left in solitude. He dove back into the ocean waves; gliding through them, jumping over them, and piercing them like a spear with each flick of his tale. After he had his fill of playing in the waves, he pulled himself onto a boulder near the beach and began to sing one last time. His voice echoing in the silent blanket of the night. Closing his eyes, he was lost to the mixture of nature and emotion. The two entwining into one as the ocean voiced it's desires through Yugi.

He jumped as a rough heavy object landed on top of him, "Hey!" He struggled against the rough ropes pinning him down. The ropes tightened around him pulling his small form off of the rock and into the water. He was dragged through the shallow depths and onto the sand; realization turning his anger and annoyance into fear, /I'm trapped in a net!/ Yugi struggled futilely against the thick ropes the net was made out of. The rough way he was dragged caused both the net and the sand to scrape and bruise his delicate milky skin.

"Let me go! Release me from this net!" Yugi hollered. He saw several tall men standing over him. They were all in black with black combat boots, black jeans, and black hoodies. "Who are you? What do you want with me?" He screamed at them; not receiving any response whatsoever. As a last resort, Yugi closed his eyes and focused on the emotion love. He wanted to make this group of men love him enough to free him. His voice rose over the crashing waves, Yugi placing all of his concentration on swaying their emotions. They did not stop, they did not hesitate, they did not react; they merely continued to drag him up the beach. /Why is it not working?/ Yugi thought as tears appeared in his large amethyst cherubic eyes. He stopped singing noticing that it was not effecting these men; it was useless.

He was thrown unceremoniously into the back of a trunk; the lid was slammed on his fin. Yugi cried out in pain. He balled himself up as tight as he could trying to prevent the trunk from slamming on his tail a second time when they opened it to try closing it again.

They drove for a good 10 to 15 minutes before the car came to a stop. By that time, Yugi's fin had dried and he was left naked in the trunk. His small petite form curled up even more now that his fin had changed back into legs. The trunk sprung open, the three men hovered over him talking in hushed voices.

"His tail is gone. We don't need all three to carry him in. Go open the door." The broadest of the three reached down to pull the net and siren out of the trunk. Yugi tried to struggle and was dropped onto hard concrete.

"Stop squirming," the second man growled at him flipping him over onto his stomach and pressing hard against his back and pinning his head to the concrete sidewalk, "Or I will make you...." The burly man tipped a brown bottle into a rag and gave the rag to the man pinning Yugi.

"No!" Yugi hollered, "Please don't!"

Yug's pleas fell on deaf ears. The man pinning him covered his mouth and nose with the chemical covered cloth forcing Yugi into unconsciousness. His body went limp. He and the net were hoisted off the ground and carried into the building.


Yugi groaned shaking his head; his large amethyst eyes slowly began to open. His head felt like someone had taken a jackhammer to it, "Where am I?" He tried to squirm in the chair he had been placed in. His movement was restricted; he was cuffed tightly to the chair and could not move his arms nor his hands.

"You don't need to concern yourself with where you are," A familiar gruff voice filled his ears. He glanced up, "And don't even think about singing. I will have your mouth gagged so fast you wouldn't know what hit you. Either that or I would have you knocked unconscious again and then gagged."

Amethyst roamed over the tall muscular form, he had seen this man's build before, "It's you, isn't it? You're the one that has been following me and trying to kill me. I thought you were gone," Yugi asked eyeing the same muscular build that he had faced in the school hallway.

"Yes, I am the one," the man confirmed, "I was never truly gone. I just took some time off to observe. I needed to verify that my suspicions were correct before acting further."

"What suspicions? Who are you? Why do you want to kill me? What have I ever done to you?" Yugi asked each question in rapid fire making every attempt to hide the fear boiling up within him.

"It's not what you have done, but what you were becoming. In the situation now, what you have become," the voice responded.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Yugi muttered. 

"I know you are a siren," the man's voice dripped in venem. 

"Why does that even matter to you?" Yugi asked more confused now than ever before, "I wouldn't come after anyone. I wouldn't harm anyone with my abilities."

The figure removed his hood revealing himself to Yugi. The pale siren gasped. He knew exactly who this man was. His heart jumped into his throat as he felt tears run down his face. He did not want to believe his eyes, /Please someone wake me up from this nightmare!/

"No, it can't be. Why would you of all people want to kill me?" Yugi asked; his sobs choking him, "I don't understand why you of all people would want to do this to me?"

"You couldn't possibly understand," the man growled at him, "Now, I finally have the chance to torture and kill you." Yugi's eyes grew wide, tears flowing freely down his pale cheeks.

"You do not have to do this," Yugi whispered.

"Of course I do, Yugi."

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