Chapter Ninety Two

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Dean and Seamus returned to the dorms to find Ginny standing in the just in front of the entrance. Before Seamus could open his mouth and ask what she was doing, he saw Neville pacing back and forth in front of one of the fireplaces while Kefira sat casually on the sofa reading to herself.

"I'm afraid to ask now." Seamus whispered to Dean.

Ginny turned around with a grin. " Kefira sent Neville's grandmother a howler." Naturally, Neville's freaking out about it, we've already tried to calm him down, but he won't stop pacing."

Dean walked over to Kefira and sat beside her. "Did you really sent his grandmother a howler?"

Kefira smiled proudly. "I did."

"Yes she did!" Neville turned around to face them. "Gran is going to kill me."

"Nevs, relax, she isn't going to kill you. I didn't even sign it with your name, I signed it with my own."

'But she knows you, Kefi. She knows you're my friend."

"Possibly even more." Seamus muttered to Ginny, who chuckled.

"Yes, and it was I who sent it so if she's going to kill anyone, she's going to kill me. Relax, you'll be fine."

"But I don't want her to kill you too!"

The group allowed the boy to continue pacing while Dean hugged Kefira claiming she was his hero and how she had to send a howler to his mother one day.

Augusta had just settled back down at the kitchen table after serving herself and Algie some tea when she heard movement outside of the kitchen window.

Algie looked up first. "Looks like one of the school owls." he said.

The older woman shook her head with an irritated sigh. "I swear if that boy has done something else wrong, I'll be heading to Hogwarts and be dragging him home."

She pushed herself up and headed to the window to collect the letter.

"You're too harsh on the boy, Augusta." Algie said. "He's just a boy, he's going to make mistakes."

"Mistakes that allow a mass murderer into the Gryffindor dorms?"

"That's not his fault entirely. I would be questioning the school's security before questioning Neville." Algie admitted. "Even if Sirius Black did get into the dorms using the passwords Neville wrote down, he still shouldn't have been granted access into the dorms. It's quite obvious that Sirius Black would be a bit too old to be attending Hogwarts, don't you think?"

Augusta ignored the man as she picked up the letter from the owl. Her eyes widened as she recognized the red envelope.

Suddenly, Algie began howling with laughter as he looked to see Augusta holding the howler in her hand.

"Seems you got yourself a howler there, Auggie. For shame, what naughty things have you been up to?"

"Quiet! How dare he send me a howler!" Augusta said dropping the howler onto the table. Algie picked it up.

"It's not from Neville. Apparently, you've made someone else quite mad."

Augusta snatched up the letter once more to read the handwriting and recognized it as Kefira's from all the letters she had sent Neville over the summer.

"Why is she sending me a howler?"

"Maybe she doesn't want you yelling at her precious little Neville. Protective girlfriend. I like her. I can't wait to meet her." Algie laughed. "But you might want to open it Augusta, you know how bad those things can get if you ignore them."

"Yes I'm well aware!"

Algie watched in amusement as Augusta began to open the letter carefully, as soon as the envelope was open, the howler began it's spiel.

"TO MRS. AUGUSTA LONGBOTTOM!" the little voice rang out.

There was a dramatic pause that confused the two adults.

"I don't under-"


Augusta dropped the letter as the powerful lion roar startled her and Algie. The woman was left stunned as she stood in the kitchen long after the roar stopped echoing in the room.

"Oh she's funny! I like her!" Algie clapped his hands together.

After a couple of hours of watching Neville pace back and forth, Kefira was sure he was going to end up walking a hole into the floor.

She stood up and walked over to him grabbing his hand and dragging him to sit beside her on the sofa.

"Neville, stop." she said. "Stop worrying, if it makes you feel any better, I will send a letter to your grandmother and apologize, but you shouldn't be the one worrying."

"I don't want her to be mad at you though."

"Oh you don't have to worry about that. I'm used to adults being mad at me." she shrugged.

"Well I don't want my grandmother to dislike you."

"She'll get over it. Now just relax with me." she yawned. "Watching you pace back and forth actually made me really tired."

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