Chapter Forty

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"Next stop, Frizz Town, population Kefira." Rosemary laughed as Kefira stood beside her outside on a humid afternoon during the final days of summer.

Kefira glanced over at her older sister. "I can't help it! My hair has a mind of it's own."

"I told you I could straighten it for you." Rosemary offered.

"No way!" Kefira threw her arms over her hair. "I love my curls!"

"So do I." 

The two girls turned to see Cardel walk out of the house onto the porch. He rested a hand on the top of their hands.

Suddenly, he shrieked as he pulled away, his hand covered by his sleeve trying to give the illusion that he had lost his hand somewhere in the wild mane.

"Ha ha." Kefira said flatly before sticking her tongue out at her father.

"Would you at least let me braid it?" Rosemary said.

"No! My curls are meant to be wild and free." Kefira said standing up. "Like me."

"Suit yourself." Rosemary said before heading inside. 

Cardel sat beside his daughter and looked down at her.

"Ready for your second year?"

Kefira nodded excitedly. "I've spent all summer sending letters to Neville and Faye. I think they're pretty excited too! I wonder what we're going to learn and-"

Cardel listened patiently as Kefira was off talking non-stop after just a simple question. He remembered the letter that he and Alana had received during Kefira's first year. It was written by some of the professors expressing their concern that Kefira became too distracted during the classes. It was Alana who had become incredibly defensive knowing all too well that her daughter was bright, she just had to learn using various methods.

He didn't read the letter that Alana sent back, but he did see how long it was. They didn't receive a letter back after that. So Cardel figured Alana had gotten her point across.

The father was entertained by all the stories that Kefira shared with them over the summer, all about what she had learned and experienced. He was impressed to hear that Kefira spoke so highly of all of her professors, especially the one who had shown up on the doorstep the day of her birthday. It seemed like Hogwarts was the best place for Kefira to explore and learn.

Cardel just had one problem with the school.

He wasn't able to see his little lion as often as he wanted to.

He sighed and looked back to Kefira to find that she was gone.


While Kefira's parents wondered how they were supposed to get Kefira's school supplies for the year, they found the answer to their question as a large package arrived for Kefira the morning before she had to leave for school.

"Kefi, you have a package." Alana called up the stairs.

The two parents could hear Kefira's feet jump down from her bed and race around upstairs. She came sliding down the banister much to the displeasure of her mother and ran over to the kitchen table.

"It's for me?!" she asked excitedly.

"Well, last time I checked, you are the only Kefira in this household." Cardel said. "Go on open it."

"Who's it from?" Kefira asked as she opened it up and found all her required textbooks and materials inside.

"Apparently, your guardian angel." Alana said. "It certainly saved us the trouble of trying to figure out what we were going to do about getting your supplies. There is no way I was going to let you go shopping on your own."

"I would have managed Mum." Kefira told her but Alana didn't listen as she began to help Kefira remove things from the box so they could pack them away in her trunk. Kefira searched the box for some kind of letter to see who had picked up her school supplies for her, but found nothing in the box.

However, she did notice how well the potions books were packed versus the rest of the supplies.

The girl grinned to herself as she left the table to help her mother pack.

Neville had to admit, he had a decent summer. Despite the fact that he didn't go on any trip like the rest of his friends had, he did enjoy the letters he received from Kefira. She didn't send just letters either, she sent all sorts of weird things that kept Neville on his toes wondering what she would send next. His favorite among the gifts sent  were the plants that Kefira had found during her travels around the country that she would send him.

He would spend a lot of this time trying to figure out what the plant was without using his book, and when he guessed, he would check to see if he was correct. He was normally always correct.

So thanks to Kefira, his summer wasn't as dull as he expected it to be.

"Now you're absolutely one hundred percent sure you have everything you need?" Alana asked.

"For millionth time, Mum, yes!" Kefira groaned throwing her head back. "You packed and unpacked my trunk like six times since yesterday to make sure. I have everything I need...for the next several years that I'll be there." she muttered the last part under her breath.

Cardel placed his hand on his wife's shoulder gently. "I think she's all set, Alana.."


Kefira faced both of her parents. "Can I go now?" she asked them, anxious to see her friends.

"You're not going anywhere until you give me a hug." Cardel said.

Kefira smiled before walking over and wrapping her arms around him when suddenly the two were being hugged by Alana as well.

"Please be safe, Kefira." Alana told her before kissing the top of Kefira's head.

"Oh come on Mum, I'll be fine. No worries. I survived my first year, didn't I?" Kefira said before kissing both parents on the cheek. "What could possibly go wrong?"

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