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Its been seven years since Hunter and I have been together.

Seven years, yet he didn't pop the question.

I gave him hints, heck I was even close to asking him to marry me.

We finished university already so we have our jobs.

I'm a fashion designer and fr my back up job, I write stories since it helps calm me.

My businesses started off small but they are developing really fast.

Hunter is the CEO of his own company and it is developing really fast. (Sorry I couldn't think of something for Hunter.)

We live in a three story house and we built two simple, yet cute flat houses next to our house for our parents to stay in.

We just did what they asked. But we were more than happy to let them live this close.

Carissa and I were currently sitting in a coffee shop, talking and cooling off from all the responsibilities.

Carissa and Tyler are officially together. They got married and have a baby on the way.

Carissa is six months pregnant, but they don't know the gender if the baby because they want it to be a surprise.

I wasn't shocked when I found out my two best friends were together because I saw it coming.

I didn't mind either though. I'm actually really happy for them.

"So how's things with you and Tyler?"

"Its really great. He makes a lot of money at his job and he spoils me a lot. I tried to get him to stop, but he wouldn't listen so I just let him be." She smiled which meant she was thinking about it.

I couldn't help but smile too.

"So how's the proposal thing going so far with you and Hunter?" She asked pulling me out of my good vibes.

I sighed and groaned.

"I don't know what he's waiting on. I tried giving him hints so many times. I was even this close to asking to tet married myself." I squeezed index and thumb finger together, to show her his close I was.

"Oh don't worry baby. He probably doesn't have the balls to ask you yet."

"Yet he has the balls to have sex with me and brat go any guy that even touches me." I mumbled.

Carissa just laughed and shook her head.

I took a sip of my coffee and tried getting Hunter out of my mind.

When Carissa and I were finished getting our coffee, I dropped her home then I headed home myself.

Carissa has her own car and all but I don't want her driving alone when there's a baby in the baby.

Believe me when I say she drives like a maniac now that she's officially an adult.

When I walked through the door, it was dark and I called to see if Hu term was home.

"Hello?! Hunter you here?!"

When I got no response, I just shrugged and went up to our room.

When I walked in, there were petals on the floor and candles leading a path to the bed.

I walked though the path and when I reaches the bed, I saw a beautiful dress lying there and a card.

I opened the card and read it.

The Girl He Never Noticed [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now