chapter 21

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Ariana grande's new song, dangerous woman. Love it.

It was the night of the party and Carissa had agreed to come so we were planning on getting ready at my house.

It was 5pm and the party was starting at seven so we chose this time to get ready.

"Boo, put this on," Carissa held up a blue glittery dress that showed a lot of cleavage and went a little above mid thigh and had no sleeve what so ever.

"No way! That has whore written all over it. Even the colour." I said immediately.

"Then why do you have it?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Because my cousin, Natalie, gave it to me and she is a whore herself. Believe me. She can sleep with about ten different guys in just one week, maybe even more."

"Wow ok. Well let's find you something else to wear."

While Carissa was throwing out clothes like a maniac, I spotted a white navel beaker vest in the pile.

I picked it up and examined it.

I then looked in the pile againg and found a wash out, ripped blue jean shorts.

I went into my drawer and took out a black beanie that said, good vibes.

I went in front Carissa's face and showed her the outfit.

She squealed and hugged me tightly.

"That outfit is amazing. I love it."

She then ran to my jewelry box and pulled out a gold chain.

Then went into my shoe cupboard and grabbed a pair of converse high tops.

"This will make you look even more amazing. Here change now." She demanded.

I quickly stripped out of my old clothes. And yes in front of Carissa.

We do these kinds of things all the time. We're like sisters.

I got in the shower, pinned my hair up and scrubbed my skin with my vanilla body wash

I didn't wash my hair cause I washed it earlier today with my vanilla shampoo.

I love vanilla flavoured products so I have an entire collection.

After my bath, I put on my lotion, my favourite glitter cream and deodorant.

Then I put on my clothes and body spray.

By the time I was done, I saw Carissa walk out the bathroom.

I didn't even see when she walked in.

I went in front the mirror and did my makeup.

I put on baby pink lip stick, a glittery eye shadow and just put on a little eyeliner.

When I was finished, I moved on to my hair.

As my hands touched my hair, Carissa slapped them away.

"No no no. I'm doing your hair and that's final." She said sternly.

I just looked at her with my mouth hung open.

"..... That hurt you know." I complained like a three year old.

"Good," was her simple answer as she shrugged her shoulders.

I just gaped at her then took the time to look at her outfit.

She was wearing a navel breaker that had an infinity sign and the word love on it. She also had a dark blue ripped jean shorts, a bright green shoes with a black head band and a black bracelet.

For makeup, she did winged eyeliner, eye shadow and baby pink glossy lip gloss.

I did a wolf whistle.

"I don't think the boys will be able you handle all that sexy." I joked.

She chuckled and came over to do my hair.

"And I know Hunter won't be able to handle all that sexy." She gave me a bear hug then pushed me into a chair so she could do my hair.

I just blushed and tried to hide my tomato red cheeks.

When she was finished with my hair, I did hers before looking in the mirror.

By the time I was done, I couldn't stop admiring my work.

For Carissa's hair I curled it and put it in a side bun with some strands hanging off to the sides of her face.

To top it off, I put some glitter on the bun and put a small blue bow to the top of it.

When she looked in the mirror, she screamed and tackled me.

"Oh my gosh! I love it I love it I love it!" She screamed and kissed me all over my face.

I chuckled and literally ripped her off me because of the tight grip sue had.

When I stepped in front the mirror, I gasped at my reflection.

Carissa straightened my hair, pit streaks of blonde and did two plates. One big and one small, starting from the right side of my head at the front and stopping at the middle back of my head.

To top it off, she put glitter in my hair and gave it a sexy messy look.

I fanned myself to stop the tears that were forcing to come out.

I ran to my best friend AKA sister and tackled her, not caring if we just got dressed.

She chuckled them threw me off her.

"Ok Amelia I love you but please, it takes time to get this beautiful." Carissa said cockily gesturing to her body from head to toe.

I just chuckled and grabbed her arm, pulling her out the door so that we could get to the party.

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