chapter 10

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When Hunter came face to face with me, I couldn't stop staring at his beautiful features.

After some time, I finally gathered enough courage to talk.

"Ummm hi"

"Well hello beautiful," Hunter responded cockily.

"Hi" the little girl responded in an over cute voice.

She sounded really shy but bold at the same time.

"Hi there and what might your name be?" I asked the little cutey in my best voice.

"I'm Hana."

"Ohhh that's a really cute name and for a cute little girl too." I responded kindly.

I heard Hunter scuff from beside Hana and my head snapped in his direction.

I looked at him in shock beacuse I forgot he was standing there.

I quickly got out of my shocked state and just glares at him.

He just gave me an innocent smile and sat next to me.

"So its nice to see that you're making friends with my little sister, but now it's time you make friends with me." Hunter stated the not so obvious.

I just scoffed and replied with an "I don't think so"

With that I got up to leave, but before I could, Hunter pulled me back down on the seat.

Uggghhhh. This boy is going to be the death of me.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Hmmm well someone is getting snappy" Hunter smirked.

I just sighed and sat back down making sure to not face the devil himself.

"Can you guys pwease play hide and seek with me?" Hana asked with the sweetest voice.

I just couldn't say no so I quickly nodded and got up to count.

Hunter then stood up after me.

"Wait! I wanna count. I like to count." Hana quikly shouted out to me as I was a little distance away.

"Oh ok well go on ahead we'll hide." I said.

I didn't even bother waiting for Hunter. I just ran until I found a tree in the bushes.

As soon as I stepped behind the tree, I felt hands wrap around my waist.

I was pulled into a hard muscular chest.

As soon as I was about to scream a hand was placed over my mouth and I was turned around.

I came face to face with Hunter and the same feeling came back.

"Shhh" Hunter said, placing a finger over his lip.

My eyes were now trained on his soft, full, pink kissable lips.

Ok, I need serious help.

All of a sudden, Hunter's lips turned into a smirk which caused my eyes to snap back up to his.

Then I realised he had caught me staring at his lips.

This caused me to blush and look away.

Hunter all of a sundden, placed a finger on my chin and pulled my head up so that I was looking into those beautiful green eyes of his.

He started leaning in slowly and I found myself doing the same.

My heart was beating so fast and hard that I thought it was going to affect my blood flow.

While leaning in to kiss me, Hunter pulled me closer to him and wrapped his muscular arms around my waist.

Just as his lips brushed mine, Hana came screaming towards us.

"I see you! I see you !" This caused both Hunter and I to jump away from each other and snap our heads in Hana's direction.

I felt slightly disappointed that the almost kiss was ruined but I also felt kind of relieved that I didn't kiss Hunter because I knew he was the biggest player at West Chester High.

But that didn't matter cause I think I was developing feelings for Hunter Ray.

The Girl He Never Noticed [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now