Chapter 16

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As Tyler and I walked in the school gates, I felt my nerves kicking in.

I couldn't wait to see Hunter and I couldn't wait for him to see me.

"Ok Tye I'll see you in a while," I said to him and with that we separated and went to our lockers.

As I came up to my locker, I saw Hunter standing there talking to his friends.

Caleb, Carl, Stephan and some other random people like cheerleaders and guys from the football team.

As soon as Hunter saw me he smiled and came my way with Caleb, Carl and Stephan following behind him.

I got kind of nervous cause I never really talked to his friends.

"Hey" Hunter said.

"Hi" I replied kind if shyly.

His friends greeted me afterwards and I just waved back with a small smile.

"So what's the special occasion, cause I see you look hotter than ever." Hunter asked.

I blushed and just gave a quick reply to try and cover it up.

"Wow so its illegal for a girl to dress nice?" I asked trying to sound angry.

"What? No...I...I didn't....mean it like that." Hunter stuttered.

His friends chuckled and gave him a tap on the back.

"Bro, I can see this little hot stuff here got you under her control." Stephan teased Hunter.

I blushed then smiled at Stephan and he smile back.

He wasn't really all that bad. He's hot and from what I see so far, he's the nice one in the group.

"So, do you and Hunter have something going on?" Stephan wiggled his eyebrows.

"What? No!" I quickly replied.

I saw hurt flash through Hunter's eyes and I quickly regretted saying what just came out of my mouth.

"Really?" Stephan asked a little shocked.

"Well....I..i mean yeah we're just... friends? Yeah we're just friends." I replied kind of unsure.

Hunter and his friends chuckled and I just looked down kind of embarrassed.

"Hunter can be kind of tricky so I'll advise you to watch out and if he does anything you don't like, just tell me and I'll straighten him out." Caleb said showing me his muscles.

I just laughed thinking that he's probably the playful and funny one in the group.

"Yeah and if Hunter stresses you out, just come to me and I'll help you relieve your stress, if you know what I mean." Carl wiggled his eyebrows.

I saw Hunter glare at him but I quickly replied before hell broke loose.

"Ew. I guess you're the perverted one in this group and those dreams you have are way too big for your little friend there." I said bravely.

The others burst out laughing and Carl glared at me playfully.

"Well I guess I'm going to have to show you my friend and prove he's way bigger than my dreams. This friend can make you scream my name." Carl replied cockily.

I just scrunched my nose at him in disgust and rolled my eyes.

"I think you should get out of la-la land and back to reality." I said and walked off to first period.

I heard Stephan, Caleb and Hunter laughing behind me.

The Girl He Never Noticed [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now