Best song ever

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Once we finished our mini celebration Simon said

"Come here I want a cuddle" with a smile

I ran round to Simon and gave him a cuddle and he pulled me in closer

"Thanks Simon" I said

"I'm now uncle Si" he said kissing my forehead

"Yay" I said

"We'll since your one of mine as well I want to get to know you better like I know the boys actually, so I will call Liam or your daddy to arrange it" he said looking at Liam

"Ok dokay" I replied

"Well Si we should get going as we want to take our little angel here shopping" Liam said rubbing my back

"Ok I won't keep you then, bye guys have fun" Simon said as he waved us off

When we headed to the front door Paul was there and Preston and all the other security guards as well as fans and the paparazzi. Loads of lights were flashing and loads of question were being thrown at us

We got rushed into the mini van and Niall said "you're gonna have to get used to that"

"I figured that" I laughed

"So I asked for the shopping centre to be shut down so we can actually do stuff" Paul said

"That's good" zayn replied

"Turn the radio on" Louis said

The next minute the driver clicked on the radio and we were jamming to blurred lines. Best song ever then came on and the boys were about to turn it off

"No keep it on" I moaned

"But it's weird hearing us" Harry said

"And? I love it and you will get to hear how great you are" I said

"Fine" Liam said

I sing the whole way through and done all the dance moved on the music video

"How do you know all the dance moves I don't even know it" Zayn said

"I have seen it a few times" I said

"I think it's more than a few" zayn said

"Whatever you say big guy" I responded cheekily

"You even know the start?" Harry said

"Yup every line of it" I said smiling

"Show us then" Louis said challenging me

"Fine" I said accepting the challenge

I dramatically cleared throat for a joke then I started

" So I said to her, "Angelina, I want to! I really, really want to."

But what about Brad?

Brad's like a son to me.

You're a good man.

I know, I know... come in!

One Direction are here to see you.


One Direction? They're making their new movie? Shall I send them in?

Sure! I love new movies!

They're here! They're real movie stars!

The biggest band on the planet!

too right, they are! I love the Direction! Come on in, guys, take a seat!

Can I just say what HUGE fans we are of you guys?

Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry, Zack-

Its Zayn.

Sure. Whatever you say, big guy.

We cannot wait for this movie! It's gonna be the greatest movie of all time! I'm talking Academy Awards!


Have you ever seen Forest Gump?


Better than that.

Have you seen The Hangover?


Funnier than that!

Have you seen Titanic?


Sadder than that!

Sounds okay!

It's better than okay, Zack! It's award-winning!

We want to introduce you to our marketing guy. Marcel! Marcel!


There he is! He's gonna run you through some thoughts for the movie.

Really nice to meet you guys. I'm a huge fan. Cute as a button, every single one of you! First scene, I'm talking MASSIVE dance number. I'm thinking a hundred dancers, fireworks, the lot! Dance is just so HOT right now!

Hey, you know I used to be a dancer?

Really? What kind?

Eh... mainly tap.

You've got the shape for that.

I want you to meet Leeroy, he's gonna be your choreographer... Leeroy, hmmm!

Hi boys, hi! Okay, so here's what I'm thinking... First open number is gonna be really big. Stay with me, 'cause I'm quite quick, and five six seven eight. ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT and Niall for the shimmy, for the shimmy, for the shimmy, and Zayn pirouette, and

Louis do the splits, and Liam, you stay exactly where you are because you are PER-FECT.

We'd NEVER do that.


So that's something for us to work on. Thanks Leeroy! So let's take a look at some of the styling options for the film. Now, personally, I think that THIS one is the one.

Absolutely not.

We'd NEVER wear that.

...Right, how about... THIS one?


It tested really well!

Never, in a million years.

Ta da!" I said smirking

"Wow I'm so proud of my little girl" Liam said

"Yay your proud of me" I said cuddling up to Liam

All the boys laughed

"At least your daughter likes you guys and your music" Paul said

"Who wouldn't it's sick!" I said

"I know right" Niall said jokingly

"We're here " Preston said

"Yeah buddy" I shouted

KIDNAPPED BY MY IDOLS ENEMYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora