Getting ready

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Still running over what Liam said I my head I ran to the bathroom. Before I reached it Niall came running up

"Oh we bought you these but I picked them" he said handing me a bag. I looked inside and seen that it was 1 outfit

"Thanks Ni" I said

"No worries and after we have a meeting with Simon and he says yes we are gonna take you on a HUGE shopping spree" he said

"Woohoo" I replied

He then walked away and left me to get showered I hung the nude coloured lacy (not see through) vest top on the door as well as these ripped three quarter jeans (I am In England in case you didn't know as I am staying with the boys and I know they dot really all stay together but for this story they do) I kept the matching bra and pant set in the bag. I then take nialls clothes off and my old underwear off and jumped in the shower. I washed my hair and then my body and I noticed 2 face cleansers, one with Harry's name on it and one with Nialls. I decided I already used enough of Harry's stuff so I used Nialls. Once I was done I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel. I dried my body then put my hair up in that hair turban thing (I'm sorry if I offended anyone I'm not sure what they're called) I put on the underwear which was pink with white bows on it. They fitted really well, it made me think how they knew my size. Probably just a lucky guess. I then put the clothes on. I looked in the mirror then brushed my teeth. I again checked myself over in the mirror and I didn't look too bad I thought the clothes were lovely though. I went out the room and ran downstairs

"Does anyone have a hair dryer?" I Asked

"Yea I do" zayn replied

"Can I please use it?"

"Yea just let me get it and you can keep this one I have like 5 more"

"Oh ok thanks"

2 minutes later he came back with a one direction hair dryer

"Are you serious?" I said jokingly

"They work really well" he replied

"Ok ok" I said putting my hand up in surrender

I ran back upstairs and then dryer my hair I then called zayn back up

"What?" He shouted

"Do you have straighteners?" I shouted back

"Yup be there in a sec" he hollered back

He came in with a pair of red GHDs

"Keep them too" he said

"Are you sure?"

"Well I know Simon is gonna say yes so of course"


I then straightened my hair and went downstairs

"Guys do I look okay?" I said

"Aww you look so cute" Liam said

"Do not"

"Do too" all the boys said

"Right boys lets go" Liam said rushing everyone out the door

"Courtney I got you these" Niall said passing me a pack of maltesers


The other boys just shook their heads as me and Niall were eating AGAIN

KIDNAPPED BY MY IDOLS ENEMYWhere stories live. Discover now