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Nathan then came in about 20 minutes later and his mouth just dropped and then he ran to me

"Oh my god they really got you this time" he said and then turned to Niall panicked "and they have fucked your knee as well as Courtney's?"

"It's ok just sort Courtney out first she's about to pass out" Niall said noticing me going even paler than usual

"Ok now Courtney this is gonna hurt a bit" Nathan said as I wast he'd him put a liquid on a cloth and then hesitantly put it to a huge cut on my cheek. Luckily the tape was still on my mouth or I would have screamed So loud. Nathan then started to wipe the blood from my bruises near my eyes and put a plaster (band aid) on the cut across my forehead. Nathan then went over to Niall and told him that he would be back in a minute as he had to get a knee brace

5 minutes later he came back with a knee brace and put it on Nialls knee. I could tell it hurt and he was biting his lip with the pain and every so often a whimper would emerge from his lips. Once it was on Nathan came back to me and took the tape of my mouth and held a cloth to my lip as it was gushing with blood

He then returned to Niall.

"Now you have a broken nose I have to snap back into place bite on this as I do it" Nathan said

Niall just nodded as Nathan put the cloth in nialls mouth

All of a sudden I heard a snap an a muffled scream but it only lasted for about 5 seconds then it was silent again.

Nathan untied Niall and then me and he gave us each a pair of crutches.

"Stay here" Nathan said as he exited the room again

When he came back he had a massive handful of cushions In his hand. He laid them out in the corner and then he went to the door again and picked up a massive duvet and laid it out.

"Well come over guys" Nathan said

Me and Niall walked or hobbled on our crutches over to the now comfy corner

"I'm gonna tell the guys I'm helping you so I don't have to take this away from you"

"Oh ok thanks but I do t want you getting hurt" I said back

"I don't think I will"

"Thanks" Niall said

Nathan then left and Niall pulled me closer to him so we were cuddling and he pulled the thick warm duvet over us and sung to me as we slowly drifted to sleep

KIDNAPPED BY MY IDOLS ENEMYOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz