Neon golf / trouble

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I walk in slowly with Ben by my side " so this is the mall " I mumbled " yup  this place has its pros and cons " Ben says admiring   A couple of shops " okay Ben and Mal me and Evie are going to go around the mall looking for shoes now Ben you show Mal around and Mal make sure you buy clothes okay..... now don't forget to get lunch we are spending the entire day here so us here around six o ' clock okay now bye !!!" Belle says running off with Evie .

" so what do you want to do now " I say looking around " well you have to get fifty outfits before the end of the day and if you don't my mom is going to kill me for not making sure you got clothes so this would be a good time to look around some stores " Ben sighs while looking at an glow in the dark mini golf course which was just across the mall

to be honest I know how much he likes the glow in the dark mini golf even though he won't admit it because it is not what kings do ( pretty sure beast put that in his head or he read the criticism from his phone ) we will play a couple of rounds so we can both have an good time at the mall .

I grab his hand scaring the heck out of him I drag him across the mall " Mal what are you doing ??!!" He says (so I'm just going to lie to surprise him ) " I saw this really cute outfit from an rack in an store and I need your help, so come on keep up the pace " I say super girly

" so this is my life now running an kingdom ,going to school and shopping for girl clothes, what an life I'm having " he sarcastically states while running right besides me , after twenty seconds of running I pull him to the entrance of glowing golf auradon finest !! .

" Mal we are supposed to be shopping for clothes not playing around !" He says as a group of royals pass, Ben look over my shoulder " okay let's go " he grabs my hand and right when we enter are clothes start to glow " this is to cool oh hey Mal look at your hair " he says laughing and having an good time , I check my hair and he was right it glowed like an freshly bloomed flower " I will go pay " he says running off to an stand with an neon green cashier .

As I waited patiently a dog bark right behind me capturing  my attention I spun around to see dude , Carlos and Jay " hey Mal what are you doing here ?" Jay questioned well Carlos pick up dude .

" well I'm here with Ben right now he is paying " I point to Ben " no we can tell he is here cuz of your jacket your wearing " Carlos states petting dude " well you like it ,it's auradon prep most valuable jacket " I say showing off the jacket well my friends laugh and a bark from dude.



I leave Mal to go pay ,man this is the first time I get to this with an girl Audrey never let me come well she was shopping but with Mal she is more lay back heck it was her idea to come.

Once I had finish paying i got two clubs and two golf balls one neon blue and the other neon purple I made my way to Mal and there stood Carlos ,dude and Jay laughing at her since she was showing off my jacket " ah the one in a kind auradon jacket its such an honor for you to wear it " I say as I place the clubs against the wall and the two neon balls in my pocket and wrap my arms around her waist.

" well we just came to say hi so we got to go we have to go find a new beanie for Jay and a collar for dude so um see you guys later " Carlos says well giving Mal an hug and patting me on the back .

Once they leave Mal faces me " I'm sorry Ben " I look at her confused " why are you sorry you have done nothing wrong " I say holding both of her shoulders " well I'm just apologizing in advance because I'm going to kick your royal but at this game !!!!so don't start crying like an baby Florian" she says playfully punching me

" oh it's on !!" I yell well she grabs the clubs as I  dragged her on to the course.

( time skip to after the golf game )

" I can't believe it I lost to is that even possible!!" I yell well we walk out of the golf game " well it's all about skills you either got them or you don't " she says walking very confidently.

" we should start looking for clothes for you " I say as I grabbed her hand and direct her to an store " umm how about nope never going to happen " she says dragging me to the other direction .

" Mal for real you need clothes you just can't be wearing those forever , now let's go !" Without any hesitation I pulled her to an boutique name dazzle " oh heck no only the girlish kind go in there " she yells stepping back " so dose it matter ??" I ask taking an step back as well " have you meet me !!!!! , I don't wear girly girl dresses or outfits !!! I despise them so much " she says crossing her arms in disgust but it suddenly changes into horror I turn around to see an two face Audrey walking up to us uh oh umm...we have trouble

A/n : hey sorry it took so long I had testing for the state known as star in Texas so yeah hope you enjoy please comment and vote thanks bye 😊😊😊😊

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