The shot of a wound

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"Hey Benny boo" I yelled as I walked to his locker "please don't call me that Mal it is the most dumbest nickname I have ever been called" he pleaded "I know that I just to see you upset it brings me pleasure" I say while putting a cute evil smile on my face.
Are you going to Audrey's royal ball tonight because I have no choice due to me being King so do you care to be my date tonight Mal"my smile fades i guess "great pick you up at 5:00" he says dashing to his room. As I walked back to my room i text Evie
Mal : can you make me a 👗 for a ball tonight ?
Evie: of course i can just meet me in the dorm like now
Mal: thanks Evie on my way
"Wow Evie this is beautiful" I said while spinning in front of the mirror not long till Ben knocks on our door right when I open the door his jaws drop to the floor your gorgeous he finally speaks up "well what are we standing here for lets go" I yell walking down the hall as Ben ran to catch up we walked outside I was surprised to see an fairy tale golden carriage with white horses in the front "what do you think" Ben asked "wonderful " I answered as I stared in awe .
At the ball
We finally arrived as I clutch to Bens hand the crowd stared in awe at him but when the attention turned to me they seemed upset for some sort( I been spending way to much time with Ben ) "im going to go find the restroom I'll be back"I whispered loud enough for him to hear ."alright but hurry back and don't get lost please " he laughed as I exit the ball room I bumped into someone "watch where you are going villian" the voice yelled "sorry I didn't mean....Audrey" I questioned "yes who else would it be you could have ruined my dress" she cried "um sorry and Audrey I'm not a villian I chose good remember ?" I said confused of her comment "you will always be a villian no matter what you do you stole Ben from me I was suppose to be the next queen not a villian" she screamed but out of know where she pushes me to the floor causing me to rip my dress then she spoke through her teeth "I will make your life a living hell in auradon prep then you will feel the pain I went through when you and your friends came" then she walked back into the ball room.
A/n: so not bad right hope you like it I will be updating regularly so add this to your library I have a lot of free time so I could update more chapters thanks bye and don't forget to comment.

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