The announcement.

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One week later

" finally I can get this cast off of me " I screamed in delight ( once again spending way to much time with Ben and belle ) " yeah you since you can get your cast off you can go back to school " Ben stated in my guest room at the palace waiting for the doctor to come get this itchy thing off of me.

" ugh I totally forgot about that , great now I have to deal with the pink princess " I exclaimed to Ben " you know you don't know how bad it will be like I mean aren't people going to respect you and don't you like the fear " he stated I rolled my eyes at Ben " one Jay likes the fear and two people are going to expect the isle Mal not the hero Mal " and without a warning he stood up very quickly he mumbled " speaking of the isles I got to go I will be back later okay " and he quickly kissed my head and literally ran out of the room " okay see you later Benny boo " I teased " don't call me that " he yelled down the hall.


Mal just reminded me of some work I needed to do and it involved going to the isles of the lost Mal is going to kill me but I hope she understands what I'm going to do and to make this more or at least more fun I'm inviting some auradon students and of course Jay , Carlos ,Evie and Mal will be attending it gives them a chance to see their parents well only three of them will not Mal her mom is in a very secure prison and I mean secure prison well I need to propose this idea to fairy godmother and my parents.

I entered my conference room which I disliked now thanks to Mal when I was in school Mal and my mother painted portraits of me and they are just creepy looking some of the portraits are so scary their eyes seem to move when you pass by them and I don't like to stay here by myself * shivers * " son you are late for your meeting you know a king is never late " my father says all kingly " what ! I'm a minute late.....never mind lets just start this shall we" .

I captured the three adults attention " I called you all today to discuss something that has been on my mind for a while.... I want to take Mal and her friends to the isle " the three gasp " you don't like Mal anymore " my mother mumbled as she said that I could see tears started to form in her eyes with anger behind them " no no no I love Mal I was just thinking that maybe we can take some Auradon prep students with them and I will be tagging along besides as King I need to fix the island to be more suitable for them " I say smiling " how long are you planning to stay ? " my father ask curious to my proposal
I smiled even more dorky than ever " a week " I stated proud of my answer.

" are you crazy are you trying to get yourself killed " I similar voice echoed into the room  we all turned around to only face Mal standing at the doorway with her eyes glowing green oh no....yup she is mad but may I just say the doctor is really fast at taking off the casts " well Mal um...well " I get cut off by her " you didn't grow up at the isles of the lost  and they won't care is you are king ......heck back when your dad was king my mom kept a dart board of your fathers face on it and instead of the darts she used knives"

"I understand that it is very dangerous but I mean the island dose need some picking up and remodeling Mal " I say looking into her eyes " okay genius tell me where are you going to stay at " she says questioning me well walking towards me " we will be staying at your mom castle " I answered uneasy " nope that's it he is asking for death nope you can't stay there " she demanded " why not your mom isn't there anymore " I asked
" no really King have three different villian's living there" she answered back but more frustrated " i could bring guards " I replied " you know what fine lets go back to the isles " she snickered making me really happy
" it's official we are going and fairy godmother you may announce this to the school remember we shall leave the day after tomorrow " I declared fairy godmother seemed happy and she quickly left to choose the students.

I turned back to my parents and a unhappy Mal , she walked out of my conference room and darted somewhere else far away from me with my mother following her as well I think one day they are going to team up and humiliate me in front of the kingdom " Mal wait up my mother " yelled before she left she glared at me I never knew she could do that I guess Mal taught her, this is going to be a long two days.

Next day Mal POV

" I'm still mad at Ben like really he is putting himself in danger ,watch I'm going to be right Evie " I tell her well walking to the gym for the announcement of going to the isles Ben wants me to announce the students so I have to be early Once I reached the gym Ben greeted me but I glared at him " are you serious your still mad at me man it's bad enough that my mom is mad at me but now you " he wined that made me smile
" alright let me read the list " I said facing him he then took out a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it there I read the names.

The following students that will attend the trip to the isles of the lost





King Ben

And of course our students from the isles of the lost
Sincerely fairy godmother

"  good only a couple of students " I said to Ben and gave me a warm smile " we leave tomorrow right " I asked him " yes at 8:00 in the morning " he said looking over my shoulder people were starting to come in " places " he clapped his hands. As everyone was settled in and the announcement began " I am here to tell you students of auradon that nine students have been chosen to go on a Field trip to the isles of the lost " Ben announced as everyone gasps " now I have said enough now Mal will announce the lucky students who will attend " he then gestured for me to come to the stand as I walked I could see the fear in everyone's eyes.

Once I reached the stand I clear my throat

The following students that will attend the trip to the isles of the lost





King Ben

And of course our students from the isles of the lost
Sincerely fairy godmother

I then looked at the students some with happy faces and four with terrified looks as if they just witnessed a deaf which I'm probably sure they will see that soon " that is all of the announcement you may go but not the following students we have just called " I announced once more the four rushed to us babbling in fear " you'll be fine well I hope " I said looking serious then Chad started to lose it he started to cry me and Ben burst out laughing " very princely , and I was joking you will be fine salon gas your near Evie,Jay,Carlos or myself  or in a group " I pronounce and with out another word Ben pulled me out so we can laugh and pack .

I notice your problem (A Bal story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ