The night

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" what you are not going out this late at night Mal " I turned to look at him " I have no choice....wait Ben where are your guards " I say with a bit of hope " um...well I may have sent them back to Auradon " he turns to look away from me " are you crazy why did you send them back ?" Our argument  was cut off by E.Q .

" Mal get ready you only have an hour now get change , you too Evie " she snapped " yes ma'am " " yes mother"  and the two of us dash to our rooms and change into our leather clothing when we both came back we were greeted by grins half smiles but I was greeted by a worried Ben.

I slowly walk towards him " you have to stay here Ben you have a better  chance of survival " I say fixing his coat " Mal where are you going " " don't worrie about me you need to sleep or hang out with the villains " " fine how long are you going to take " " not sure haven't done this in a while , got to go Ben bye " I say kiss his cheek and sprinted down  the stairs to catch up with my gang we are back.


I watch Mal leave the castle in a hurry to do what they were secretly  ordered by their parents I sigh and sat in a metal chair around the table where the villains were sitting
" so let's get to know each other " I say  " I will go first E.Q answers
" I hate snow white and the little men but I love poison " she grins at me " me next "Jafar yells " " I tried to kill a a thief killed many people before I love lamps and I think murdering for gold should be allowed " I clapp my hands together " okay moving on " I yelled "  I know how about you cruella " she looks away from her jacket and turns to me " I hate you and I wish you could leave " she growls the other two starts laughing this is the worst idea I could have ever done

  " so you dating a villain why " Jafar questions " Mal is not a villain she decides who she wants to be she will never be her mother " I spat " what ever you say but by blood she will be a villain and you can't change that " E.Q snickers
I slam my hand on the table and stood up " she is not a villain she is good okay " I shout hopefully helping them relies the good in her but I was wrong dead wrong.

The three start to laugh in my face I yell " I can't do this I'm leaving I can't stand you three " I say leaving towards Mal room and the echoes of their laughter ran down the hall.

I entered the room and slowly closed the door behind me I felt safe here I look around playing with little antics she had on her desk but behind those I found a phone not a touch screen but the one with buttons and next to it a dusty piece of paper with a number I knew the number the help hot line to contact former king A.K.A my dad I had enough of the isles we need to leave by tomorrow morning.

I pick up the phone and dialed the number
Beast : * sighs * this is beast
Ben : dad great you answered i need help
Beast : Ben? Great what did you do now
Ben : I want to leave the isles by tomorrow morning can you send a limo
Beast: why don't you tell your guards they have access to the phone 
Ben : um.. I may have send them back to auradon leaving me with an island of villains
Beast : what are you kidding me a king doesn't do that have you learned .....
Belle : Ben we are sending a limo now they will pick you up just be ready
Ben : yeah there might be a problem..
Belle : which is..
" who are you talking to Ben " I turn my head to face Mal " uh...I'm on the phone with my parents they are sending a limo because I can't stand this place no more "
Beast : Ben the limo should be there in ten minutes alright bye
The call ended and I turn to Mal " it should be here in ten minutes go wake everyone up" she smiled and ran to the door but next door the room filled up with screams and yells and a laughter afterwards

We all waited outside for the limo shortly it arrived and we all piled in and said our good byes to the villains ,Auradon here we come .

Ten minutes later Mal and I were drop off at my castle all the lights were on probably for me the king you know how worried they get. We entered and my mom is pacing back in forth " mom we are here " i say walking in with Mal I was preparing for my hug but it never happened " Mal are you okay I was worried sick about you " my mother says
" you seem pale , have you eaten did you sleep "  " um.. I'm pale because that is my skin and I did not eat and no I have not slept " " you poor thing " " um...what about me your son the one that has cuts and bruises my face " she lets go of Mal walks up to me with a straight face " are you breathing " " yes " " are you talking " " yes " " then you are fine " she spats  that took me by surprise " you are not going to ask me how I got these " my dad arrives listening to our conversation. My mom groans " fine how did you get those "  I got in a fight with a group of street kids " " okay but who's fault for wanting to go to the isles " I mumble " mine..but the second one is not my fault Mal slapped me twice "
" well there must have been a reason " my mother says " well the first one I slap him because he went out cold after the fight so I slapped him to wake up and the second reason you want to tell her why I slap you again Ben " I sigh " it's because I commanded her to talk and so she slap me " my mom gasp " Ben I can't believe you go up to your room and when you think about what you done then you may come and eat " my mom and Mal left to the dinning room. I walk up to my dad " yeah Ben it's all your fault"  my dad say laughing well walking to the dinning room I sigh " if being king doesn't kill me it's going to be my mom and Mal " and walk up the stairs heading towards my room.

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