not your battle

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Once I reached my dorm I was surprised to see my friends there to be honest they scared me "there you are Mal we have been worried " Evie screamed "are you okay what happen to you who did this the three of them asked.
Just then I heard ben yell my name through the halls till he showed up at the door he pushed me in and closed the door.
"Why did you not tell me I could of helped you Mal why did you keep this a secret" "because this is not your battle ben I could do this on my own I don't need help I'm a villain" I screamed back
"Why do you keep calling yourself that what she says is nothing why do you care so much" he raised his voice.
I stood in silence as I stared at my friends they sat in shocked wondering what's going to happen next then I stared back at ben I tried to get out the room but ben noticed what I was doing and he blocked the door
"your not going anywhere" he said frustrated "Why do you care I'm just your pity date" I mumbled but once I said that he looked hurt but he didn't notice he had unblocked the door and I sprinted to one place that I could relaxed in the enchanted lake.
A/n so how do like it short but full of drama please vote and comment thank you

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