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As I left the waiting room my parents were there waiting to hear the update on Mal they scared me how fast dose the word spread I'll figure that out later " how is Mal is she okay " my mother asked petrified " she is awake and hurting she has a broken arm and leg and you guys came I thought you disliked her " "are you kidding me we like her better than Audrey what a fake child and Mal is different and she isn't afraid of risky possibilities like at the coronation so son don't say we don't like her or I will make myself turn into a beast not the type you and your father but my own angry type are we clear" I was scared at my mother never knew she had that all in her " yes m..mother" "good now when Mal gets out there will be a carriage waiting for the both of you Togo to the castle" as she straightens her self up and I look at my father and fear still in his eyes from my mother outburst.
I walked backed to Mal room and sat right next to her " when I'm I getting out of here I like the attention but they keep putting needles in me so ya when I'm I getting out of needle prison " " I just have to sign you out and your free" " so what are you doing here go sign the damn papers" " geez aren't women hating me today" I say getting up to the front desk next thing I knew I'm preventing Mal from slipping she is going so slow with the crunches I'm wondering if I won't see my family till New Years due to Mal pace " hell with this" I lift Mal onto my shoulder and she screams a little and I walked with Mal on my shoulder well I hold on to the crunches and I continued to walk to the carriage once we were inside she gave me her mad / killer face " why did you do that I was learning and getting the hang of it " " ya but you were going so slow and I want to go home and eat dinner and see New Years" my phone buzz Evie texted me
Evie: is she okay ?
Ben : ya but she has a broken arm and leg
Ben : (sends picture of Mal arm and leg in a purple cast)
Evie: 😨😭😵😱 oh my fairy godmother
Ben : she is fine calm down she is just slow 😀
Evie: not funny 😠
Ben: why are women hating me remember I could just leave her at the hospital
Evie: are you threatening a VK because we both know how that will end Benjamin so Do you dare mess with me I may look weak but I'm a total fighter understand? 😈 you = 💀 if you do that again
Ben : yes E...Evie it won't happen again I swear I promise 😫
Evie : great see you soon 😀😃

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