Nezumi (No. 6)

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(Before I start, a small part of this one shot belongs to Shakespeare if you didn't know. Thank you )

I watched Nezumi act in the theater. He was an amazing actor. His movements were poised and graceful as he moved across the stage. His voice also was gorgeous as it echoed throughout the theater. I may be an actress myself ,but Nezumi is truly amazing. Wait or should call him Eva.

"Miss Eva you did a splendid job tonight" I said in a teasing voice.

"Shut up. Just because you know I'm Eva doesn't mean you can mess with me you idiot. " he said as we walked back to his place where Shion was probably waiting.

"You are so mean. I just gave you a compliment and you call me an idiot. " I said in a sad voice as a fake tear ran down my face.

"Cut out the bull. I know you're faking." He said as he lead us into his small home.

"By the way, I got a new job. I'm going to be acting in the next Shakespeare production, Romeo and Juliet. I'll be playing the part of Juliet ." I mentioned to him as I looked at the books on his shelf.

He gave me a smirk " oh really, I'll be in that one too. Eva will be acting as Nurse. "

"Well we both have to do our best then." I said as I have him a smile.

"Awe, ___'s exited to work with me" he jested as he pinched my cheek.

"Owe, nolk et oef (owe, knock it off) " I tried to slap his hand off my cheek but he caught it before I could make contact.

He had a bit of amusement in his eyes as he looked at my current position. He removed his hold on my cheek and instead grabbed hold of my chin. "Aren't you just cute" he stated but not with the usual sarcasm in his voice.

My eyes widened at the suddenness of his words and how close we were. "Nezumi what-" I never finished my words because he suddenly pushed me away from him. I stumbled a little bit but caught myself by grabbing hold of the book case. I was about to as him what that was for when I saw the door to the other room open. Out came Shion with his usual smile on his face.

"Oh welcome home Nezumi, I didn't even hear you come in. I see you brought ___ with you. Are you staying over" he asked

I shook my head and adjusted the jacket that was on my shoulders. "No ,in fact, I am on my way home. It's getting dark out so I should head home." I started walking to the door when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I noticed it was Nezumi and he had his own jacket in his hand.

"I'll walk you home." He said has he shrugged on his jacket.

"I'm fine. I can walk there by myself. " I insisted

"Stop complaining and let's get going. " he took my hand and led me out the door.

I turned around and waved toward the white haired male" it was nice seeing you again Shion. " I saw him wave at me back before the door was closed shut.

Nezumi, still holding my hand for some reason, dragged me to my home that was a few blocks away from his. "Um, why are you holding my hand"

"Idiot, it's the middle of the night. I don't want you to get jumped or anything"

"Awe so you do care" I said before I thought of something. " What was up with those words you said to me before Shion entered the room "

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